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Greatest sex story ever told. - Printable Version

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Greatest sex story ever told. - Insanecowposse - 08-17-2010

Not my personal sex story, but I witnessed it. A buddy brought home a 6' red headed, beautiful Australian girl and took her straight to his bedroom both staggering drunk. They walked right past the group of 6 or 7 equally drunk expats eating beans on bread and watching Family Ties dubbed in Spanish. She didn't even see us, he gave us a sly thumbs up.

His bedroom shared a wall, with an open window, with the courtyard that we were sitting in. (This is a typical, colonial style, Latin American villa, btw). So of course, we mute the Family Ties and crowd around the open window just behind the curtains to hear what we can hear.

Less than a minute into it, just as we are all starting to feel a bit sick from listening to the sloppy drunk kissing, smacking and grunting, the Aussie woman announces to her would-be lover in a booming voice and accent that sounded more like a drunk Irish-woman trying to sound like Crocodile Dundee (read the next line in your head with that accent): "I'm on me rags, but you can have a rip at me shitter if you like"

Needless to say, the gallery erupted in hysterical laughter. She was horrified. She flew out of the bedroom, threatened to murder us all and ran out of the house crying. Our buddy was collapsed on his bed, also laughing hysterically.

We offered him a bean sandwich, which he gladly accepted, and then we all watched Family Ties in Spanish together until sunrise.

Re: Greatest sex story ever told. - tdot - 08-19-2010


Re: Greatest sex story ever told. - Grimlin - 08-19-2010

I feel bad for the chick...but it was funny....

Re: Greatest sex story ever told. - Stoopid Dog - 08-19-2010

I got one better.

My buddy fucked a tranny twice before realizing it. /story

Re: Greatest sex story ever told. - tdot - 08-19-2010

by friend do u mean u?

Re: Greatest sex story ever told. - sTr - 08-19-2010

! think fluff was the tranny...

Re: Greatest sex story ever told. - Stoopid Dog - 08-19-2010

Naw it wasnt me.

Re: Greatest sex story ever told. - Ms Felony - 08-22-2010

yeah yeah....

Re: Greatest sex story ever told. - Stoopid Dog - 08-30-2010

You only wish. fag.

Re: Greatest sex story ever told. - Insanecowposse - 09-01-2010

Ms Felony has enough Bi curious Men trying to hit that he/she doesn't need to beg.

Re: Greatest sex story ever told. - Grimlin - 09-01-2010

Insanecowposse Wrote:Ms Felony has enough Bi curious Men trying to hit that he/she doesn't need to beg.

Somehow i bet this statement is extremely true.

Re: Greatest sex story ever told. - Stoopid Dog - 09-01-2010

Dressing up as a woman is begging in my eyes.

Re: Greatest sex story ever told. - sTr - 09-01-2010

begging for what? the cock or attention? or both?

Re: Greatest sex story ever told. - Stoopid Dog - 09-01-2010
