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My dumbass thinks I can fight MMA. - Printable Version

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My dumbass thinks I can fight MMA. - Insanecowposse - 08-02-2010

I know you guys don't know how to use links but there is one if you want to see where I am thinking about training. This of course depends on whether or not they have a youth class I can take my wifes kid<not mine> to.
I promise if i get WTFPWNED that I will post pics of my jacked up face or me pass out on the ground from being choked out or whatever. Yes I know I am a scrawny Icabod Crane looking fuck but damn it I took karate as a kid and boxed amateur for a few months so I can do this!

Re: My dumbass thinks I can fight MMA. - sTr - 08-02-2010

sounds awesome... just to be safe, make sure you get a lot of video... especially of your first fight.. you know, wouldn't wanna miss anything good..

Re: My dumbass thinks I can fight MMA. - Grimlin - 08-03-2010

A buddy of mine went there.Hard part is training and staying dedicated to the classes.

Re: My dumbass thinks I can fight MMA. - Insanecowposse - 08-04-2010

the hard part for me is 2 things. Cost and convincing my wife.

Re: My dumbass thinks I can fight MMA. - Grimlin - 08-04-2010

cost is another one.....

Re: My dumbass thinks I can fight MMA. - dirtymonkey22 - 08-10-2010

he should of done it like 8 months ago wouldent have to worrie about it