Board 6
the BLUE waffel - Printable Version

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the BLUE waffel - dirtymonkey22 - 07-06-2010

someone on xbox live said to check out this site and i wanted to share let me know what you think

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Re: the BLUE waffel - sTr - 07-06-2010

! don't trust links at work... can anyone elaborate?

Re: the BLUE waffel - Insanecowposse - 07-06-2010

[Image: 21430117.jpg]

Re: the BLUE waffel - dirtymonkey22 - 07-06-2010

well its this

[Image: bw.jpg]

Re: the BLUE waffel - Insanecowposse - 07-06-2010

Never use toilet bowl cleaner to douche ladies this is what happens. As you can see its not pretty. I am very sorry you had to see this but how else would you learn.

Re: the BLUE waffel - sTr - 07-06-2010


Re: the BLUE waffel - Paullehh - 07-09-2010

I'm hungry all of a sudden.