Board 6
What would YOU do for $750Million - Printable Version

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What would YOU do for $750Million - Insanecowposse - 07-05-2010

Tiger Woods wife aggreed to $750 MIllion dollars to never speak about Tiger woods affairs with anyone for the rest of her life. THe question is what would you be willing to do for that much? How far would you go. I'll start it. I would Wet the tip of my dick get it stuck to a frozen flagpole and let Ricky Martin lick it until it thawed out. <no homo>

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Paullehh - 07-05-2010

It would be faster listing the things i wouldn't do.
All i can think off that i wouldn't do is killing immediate family.

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Insanecowposse - 07-05-2010

I would kill your immediate family and split it with you.

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - sTr - 07-05-2010

that might be the min that ! would take if someone asked how much ! would take in money to take it... in the butt...

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - dirtymonkey22 - 07-06-2010

well fuck a klondike bar

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Paullehh - 07-06-2010

sTr Wrote:that might be the min that ! would take if someone asked how much ! would take in money to take it... in the butt...
I feel so cheap :(

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Insanecowposse - 07-06-2010

Everyones Butt has its price.

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - dirtymonkey22 - 07-06-2010

it really sucks cuz i have a really tight butt hole my shit looks like cat poop

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Insanecowposse - 07-06-2010

I can fix that problem but your not getting 750 million dollars for it.

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Paullehh - 07-09-2010

woah that's like homosexual incest.
Fucked up.

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Stoopid Dog - 08-30-2010

bajaj this thread is golden

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Insanecowposse - 09-01-2010

Its only homosexual incest for Monkey. Its not gay to Give just to take it. A hole is a hole thats what they told me when I got a tour of the Prison.

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - sTr - 09-01-2010

does this count for blow jobs too?

*please say yes*

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Insanecowposse - 09-01-2010

your dick doesn't have eyes and you have to get off somehow. If a man stimulating your dick was Gay then shit jacking off would be gay Amirite? But your ass is an exit only remember that I speak the truth.

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - sTr - 09-01-2010

there is one clause, if you feel the mans mustache or beard, then it becomes gay....

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Insanecowposse - 09-01-2010

so no getting blowjobs from the lunch ladies in school

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Stoopid Dog - 09-01-2010

This thread has no lost its mojo.

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - sTr - 09-01-2010

you must be a lunch lady....

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Stoopid Dog - 09-01-2010

No but Im gonna eat lunch you lady!

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - sTr - 09-01-2010

you should just eat out a lunch lady

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Stoopid Dog - 09-01-2010


Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - Insanecowposse - 09-01-2010

This thread went from Tiger woods to killing a family to incest and now eating out a lunch lady? WTF?!

Re: What would YOU do for $750Million - sTr - 09-01-2010

that's how we roll