Board 6
Goverment, Politics people.... - Printable Version

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Goverment, Politics people.... - Stoopid Dog - 06-25-2010

I'm still working on that project on outsourcing. Though I know some of you think I'm silly for being against it, I'm having a hard time finding a list of Politicians that are for outsouricng.

And I already know Hillary and Obama are for it. I've made that point on my project alredy. but if you could help list others Id totally not give you no credit for it.

Re: Goverment, Politics people.... - Stoopid Dog - 06-25-2010

And if your interested in what Ive got so far

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

All for critics. Bring the best you can, and no, i didnt design this page nor will i try to act like I did. Though all content on there is written by me and if not source links are present.

Re: Goverment, Politics people.... - Paullehh - 06-25-2010

I hate it, but it's needed in some situation but in others it should be plain criminal.

Re: Goverment, Politics people.... - sTr - 06-25-2010

all your anti-outsourcing is gonna put me out of a job... but freel, we need to start getting real jobs going again... until then, let's party... Drunk Bum

Re: Goverment, Politics people.... - Insanecowposse - 06-26-2010

As long as the outsourcers are paying my welfare its a sweet deal.

Re: Goverment, Politics people.... - Slacker - 06-26-2010

someone needs to outsource my balls into their mouths

Re: Goverment, Politics people.... - Insanecowposse - 06-26-2010

My balls are too big for anyones mouth so i say they outource bigger mouths for my balls.