Board 6
Spartacus-Blood and sand - Printable Version

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Spartacus-Blood and sand - Grimlin - 04-18-2010

Anybody watching this on TV(starz)?

I'm fucking addicted to this show. This is the "male" soap opera for guys....Blood,Body parts and sex....

Re: Spartacus-Blood and sand - sTr - 04-18-2010

the dude that sits next to me at work watches this all the time, sometimes at work... lots-o-titties..

Re: Spartacus-Blood and sand - Grimlin - 04-18-2010

It's a great show.....A lot of guys at my work watch this show as well.

Season finale was frigging awesome.I haven't seen a better finale than this yet on TV.

Re: Spartacus-Blood and sand - Midgetfuxer - 04-18-2010

Yea hes hooked bajaja!

Re: Spartacus-Blood and sand - dirtymonkey22 - 04-19-2010

i'll prob DL it wanted to cheak it out
i downed the first 2 seasons of TRUE BLOOD and its a pretty good show lots of sex and blood no gay like twilight
the wife started watching TB and she loves it and is driveing me nuts with it