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the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - Printable Version

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the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - sTr - 04-02-2010

[Image: doubledown_hdr.jpg]

Quote:KFC's Bacon Sandwich On Fried Chicken "Bread" Starts Killing People Nationwide April 12

Last August, we wrote about the "Double Down," a mysteriously tempting (and potentially lethal) new food item being tested by KFC. For those coming late to the story, it's bacon and cheese sandwiched between two pieces of fried chicken. And now, many months later, I'll finally be able to get my hands on one.

KFC announced the decision to go live with the Double Down yesterday, but we weren't sure they weren't playing a April Fools gag. But no, they truly are going nationwide with the delicacy on April 12.

The sandwich will be available in two forms. The Original Recipe sandwich will set you back about 540 calories, 32g of fat and 1380mg of sodium. The not-as-bad-for-you Grilled Double Down totals 460 calories, 23g of fat and 1430mg of sodium.

Source: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... il-12.html</a><!-- m -->" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - fuxbox - 04-03-2010

fuck yea im getting one fersure

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - Paullehh - 04-03-2010

sign me up!

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - Midgetfuxer - 04-03-2010


Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - Grimlin - 04-03-2010

No thank you.....

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - Enigma - 04-03-2010

That looks sooooo good!

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - sTr - 04-03-2010

Enigma Wrote:That looks sooooo good!

this is something ! would have expected from fred...

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - Grimlin - 04-03-2010

Chicken and bacon for me just doesn't work.

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - N-Do - 04-05-2010

it reminds me of the Luther Burger, just with chicken.

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - Paullehh - 04-05-2010

I don't believe they will actually make this... it's a joke surely.

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - sTr - 04-05-2010

it's rediculi....

WebsTr's Dictionary Wrote:ri·dic·u·li (rĭ-dĭk'yə-lie)
syn. Multiple Ridiculous' see: ridiculous

ri·dic·u·lous (rĭ-dĭk'yə-ləs)
adj. Deserving or inspiring ridicule; absurd, preposterous, or silly.

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - juggalogigolo - 04-07-2010

god i hope this is freal, it looks fucking AWESOME

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - sTr - 04-07-2010

here's one out in the wild...

[Image: 24770_423044173055_566153055_5409877_2143639_n.jpg]

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - Paullehh - 04-07-2010

lol looks tiny as fuck.

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - juggalogigolo - 04-08-2010


Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - dirtymonkey22 - 04-08-2010

i cant lie my fat ass wants one

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - F-Disk - 04-14-2010

O.o looks better in the first picture lawl @ in the wild

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - TheB6Bitch - 04-15-2010

had one! good stuff lol

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - sTr - 04-15-2010

you should try the quadruple down...

[Image: tumblr_kpeg55idkk1qzvnxpo1_500.jpg]

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - CranialEntropy - 04-15-2010

For some reason the idea of getting chicken from either popeyes or KFC comes with an instinctive gross out, but bar wings, man I fucking love me some bar wings.

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - tdot - 04-16-2010

word @ those i had one yesterday and had a heartattack srsly

Re: the grossest food product ever coming april 12th - TheB6Bitch - 06-15-2010

how the hell would i eat that shit lol