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Albert Synder vs. Westboro update - Printable Version

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Albert Synder vs. Westboro update - N-Do - 04-02-2010

So basicly the decision was overturned and now Snyder is supposed to pay W.B.C.'s $16,510.80 in legal fees.

More info for those unaware of the situation: Wrote:During the 2006 funeral of Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Synder, protesters from the Westboro Baptist Church, an anti-gay and anti-Jewish group based in Topeka, Kansas picketed and held up signs bearing "God Hates the USA," "God Hates Gays," and "Thank God for Dead Soldiers." We have seen these loons in Illinois over-stepping their First Amendment Rights prompting our legislature to impose some protection to grieving families by passing the "Let Them Rest in Peace Act."

After the 2006 funeral was disrupted, Albert Synder filed suit for infliction of emotional distress and winning an $11 Million Dollar judgment in 2007. That judgment should have bankrupted the Westboro Baptist Church and put an end to this group's hiding behind Freedom of Speech protections to spew their hate. In a bizarre twist, however, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the judgment, as well as ordering Mr. Snyder to pay them $16,510.80 in legal fees. Who the hell are these judges? Why are they even judges to begin with?

Yes, we have Freedom of Speech as a basic right - but that does not include overt hate crimes. Yes a crime in my opinion. No different than a racial hate crime (for which there is legal precedence to rule on). Judges have been known to stray with their opinions. Many Judges, around the country, have also been accused of making new law instead of simply interpreting and applying the law.

No wonder the social fabric of this country is in the gutter!

Albert Snyder, with the help of sympathetic supporters, including Bill O'Reilly of Fox News (who has said he will pay the $16k in legal fees), won a major battle when the US Supreme Court agreed to hear the case this fall.

Of course, this has sparked a national controversy over free speech and privacy laws. I don't see what the big argument is. The funeral of anyone, military or otherwise, should be allowed to proceed with dignity. Without interference. As we saw in Illinois, this hateful group was neutralized first by the Patriot Guard and then protection under the "Let Them Rest in Peace Act." This is not suppression of freedom of speech.

Families, who have lost loved ones giving the ultimate sacrifice for their country, must be allowed to grieve in peace. It is a matter of human decency. Then again, our society is pretty fucked-up as it is. I don't really give a shit what anyone's opinion is of the war or gay rights, pro or con. I do give a shit about dishonoring a life given for our country. You don't have to be in favor of the war to respect an individual wanting to protect their nation. If that is what he or she feels they must do, respect it! It was their personal choice to serve for what they believed was an honorable cause. We don't have the right to interfere with that personal belief. As far as gay rights go, that is a personal choice too. I neither advocate or condemn it, nor should anyone else. Gays should not be subjected to bashing, harassment or being victims of hate crimes either. No one's life should be demeaned, period!

There are other means of protest or ways to voice your opinion. Freedom of Speech has its' limits, it is not an open license for the abuse of others.

Hopefully, the US Supreme Court sees those limits in Freedom of Speech. That right is not an excuse to commit hate crimes! Exactly, what is it with these organizations who hide behind the guise of religion, or an ism, to promote their hate? That isn't religion. It is anti-religion, anti-social and anti-human. Decency goes a lot farther.

Then again, some people in our society have been praying to the Anti-Christ all along anyway. That is a choice too, isn't it? Just don't use it as an excuse to spew your hatred.

Re: Albert Synder vs. Westboro update - sTr - 04-02-2010

this whole thing is stupid... ! know we have free speech, but those fucks shouldn't be rewarded for being disrespectful.. fuck god and fuck them... god hates fags and that's why he hates west baptist church...

Re: Albert Synder vs. Westboro update - N-Do - 04-02-2010

sTr Wrote:god hates fags and that's why he hates west baptist church...
lol i agree, but yeah its stupid for him to have to pay that, and like it said in there
Quote: As we saw in Illinois, this hateful group was neutralized first by the Patriot Guard and then protection under the "Let Them Rest in Peace Act." This is not suppression of freedom of speech.
Nobodys trying to suppress freedom of speech, just dont do it at the fucking service, have some common sense. hopefully someone will mass murder these people and go down for it, he/she will be a hero.