Board 6
bajaja@still beign hated.... - Printable Version

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bajaja@still beign hated.... - Stoopid Dog - 01-25-2010

I tend to float around alot of the boards that have some form of connection with B6. I lurk many of them, posting once in awhile. I went to the howdy's site or whatever, was checking them out seeing how the "web show" bussiness was doing for them.

I start surfing the board. I come across this thread...

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ffy#p12036</a><!-- m -->

no idea on the date, really dont care, but I do enjoy that Im still hated on 98% of the sites Ive posted on. Rock on you guys. Rock on. yo Yo YO

Re: bajaja@still beign hated.... - sTr - 01-25-2010

you are so ghey with your av and sig... dat nation is fag nation, son... but besides that, hell yeah, everyone love to hate on you, not sure why though. ! never hated you, ! don't think at least, and !'m usually doing a lot of the hate...

Re: bajaja@still beign hated.... - Slacker - 01-25-2010

-is cool with the fluff

haters be hatin daaaaaaaaaaaaaawg

Re: bajaja@still beign hated.... - tdot - 01-26-2010

what slacker said..

fucka nigga that hate !

Re: bajaja@still beign hated.... - Grimlin - 01-26-2010

I always thought i was the only person who actually likes fluff.....agagaga