Board 6
New year's - Printable Version

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New year's - Grimlin - 12-27-2009

What you guys doing for New Years? I ain't going or doing anything.

Re: New year's - Slacker - 12-27-2009

getting horribly horribly fucked up

Re: New year's - Star - 12-27-2009

i doubt we're doing anything, fred's got to work until 9:30

Re: New year's - Grimlin - 12-27-2009

That sucks,Midge gotta work too. I'm off as far as i know...wouldn't be surprise if they try to make us work Saturday though.

Re: New year's - Paullehh - 12-28-2009

Drinking this bottle of malt and then i wont remember :)

Re: New year's - Nekrolo - 12-29-2009

Grim Frostbitten Killahz will be blaspheming while drinking faygo mixed with the most unholy of inverted blood whiskeys on the fjord of Xenabrghah under the forsaken wintermoon forest of Zeus.

Re: New year's - Ms Felony - 12-29-2009

staying in tonight then Nekrolo