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New Super Mario Bros. - Printable Version

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New Super Mario Bros. - sTr - 11-15-2009

can't wait, !'m getting it today and it will be good times... anyone else into good games like this fine mario title that came out today?

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - Paullehh - 11-15-2009

I just sold my wii.
the wii emulator is near perfect on pc now though so can still play all the games!
Need another wii remote now for the true emulation but not needed for this game Happy

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - sTr - 11-15-2009

Pm me some instructions on the wii emulator shit

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Re: New Super Mario Bros. - Paullehh - 11-15-2009

Just google it man, not much i can tell ya.
It's called dolphin.

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - juggalogigolo - 11-15-2009

i wish my wii fuckin worked

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - sTr - 11-15-2009

how do you get the wiimote to work on the pc? and how did you break your wii?

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - juggalogigolo - 11-15-2009

stars mom fucking dropped it out the back of a fucking truck, it bounced down the fucking road, spiraling ni slow mtion as i watched, 2 fuckin years ago, hasnt worked right since, it will occasionally work for a little while then freeze up, other times it wont work at all

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - sTr - 11-15-2009

word, when ! was moving ! left my gamecube on the top of my car when ! was loading shit and ! didn't realize ! left it up there until about after a half hour looking for it at my new place then driving back to my old place and seeing it all busted up on the side of the road... the shitty part about this was this was like 2 months after the gamecube first came out...

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - juggalogigolo - 11-15-2009


Re: New Super Mario Bros. - Toxic Love - 11-16-2009

I think I'm going to get it during those xmas sales... or wait until after xmas. We only have one Wii in this house, and my siblings hog it, and half the time, they don't even share it with each other. I have my regular SMB and my regular NES, lol.

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - Paullehh - 11-16-2009

wii motes work with a pc using a bluetooth dongle.
Add some software and you can use the wii mote in place of a mouse.

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - sTr - 11-16-2009

pretty snazzy, and you can just mount the discs instead of having to burn them, much nice..

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - Toxic Love - 11-16-2009

Paullehh Wrote:wii motes work with a pc using a bluetooth dongle.
Add some software and you can use the wii mote in place of a mouse.
My computer is 5 years old... and slow. I rather buy a new Wii than a new computer for that purpose, even though I plan on getting a new computer anyway.

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - Keezie - 11-16-2009

how the fuck does the wiimote work without a sensor bar though?

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - Paullehh - 11-16-2009

Keezie Wrote:how the fuck does the wiimote work without a sensor bar though?
Bluetooth dongle and software emulation.

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - juggalogigolo - 11-16-2009

the sensor bar isnt needed at all, its really just 2 infared lights... you could set up 2 candles on top of your tv and it would work just as well

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - dirtymonkey22 - 11-18-2009

its 1 of the few games i wish i had a wii for

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - juggalogigolo - 11-18-2009

me too :(

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - sTr - 11-18-2009

it is def the shit, and had as a mother fucker, they weren't kidding when they said it was gonna be the hardest in the series...

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - Paullehh - 11-18-2009

i heard it's pretty much the same as the DS version so anybody who can't play on wii can just emulate the DS version no worries.

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - sTr - 11-18-2009

the only way it is like the ds version is in the way that it is a sidescroller, way different game, and way harder...

Re: New Super Mario Bros. - TheB6Bitch - 12-08-2009

i havent gotton a wii yet all i play is my ps3