Board 6
Suggestions 4 sTr - Printable Version

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Suggestions 4 sTr - N-Do - 10-16-2009

Aiight so I've been drinkin a lil bit and I was just thinkin bout some new stuff for the forum....
  • Entertainment Discussion[/list:u]
    I'm thinkin it can start out as maybe just 1 section for all entertainment needs [TV,Music,Movies,Games,ECT.] and I think it would be decent so that way our European friends can share some shows/music/games that we may never have heard of and possibly vice versa. And if it grows enough, maybe make it its own independent section with different categories for Visual Meda and Music.
    • Paypal Donations[/list:u]
      Kind of speaks for itself, just hook it up to your paypal STR and we can donate a lil' somethin somethin (when funds are available) for all your hard work.
      • Suggestions Forum/Thread[/list:u]
        Maybe just a stickied thread (such as this one), or possibly its own section?

        These are all just some drunked thoughts I've had to possibly better the board a lil bit, but I don't wanna clutter it at the same time. So yeah just throwin this out there for ya.

Re: Suggestions 4 sTr - Stoopid Dog - 10-16-2009

those can happen if more people post then just us. fifty forums with fifty post dont work. when the main forum gets cluttered with post fitting a certain subject it will get its own forum.

Re: Suggestions 4 sTr - N-Do - 10-17-2009


Like I said, was just some drunken suggestions.

Re: Suggestions 4 sTr - sTr - 10-18-2009

word, donations button should be down there... suggestions are always welcome here...

Re: Suggestions 4 sTr - tdot - 10-18-2009

i like the ideas but i agree with fluff whats the point have having 50 forums with the amount of people that post. i wouldnt make any sense if anything just keep it the way that it is, and add a suggestion box and the penpal thing bc i know that people here would donate to keep this site alive we are like our extended internet family.. and im the retarded adopted cousin seeing as im from canada and all bajaj

Re: Suggestions 4 sTr - Grimlin - 10-18-2009

tdot Wrote:im the retarded adopted cousin seeing as im from canada and all bajaj

yo Yo YO

Re: Suggestions 4 sTr - tdot - 10-18-2009

i have a strange feeling that my title is going to be changed to that now..

Re: Suggestions 4 sTr - Grimlin - 10-18-2009

agagagaga.....word it should be

[Image: 1337rx.png]

Re: Suggestions 4 sTr - tdot - 10-18-2009

bajaj thats official

Re: Suggestions 4 sTr - sTr - 10-19-2009

!'d say so....

Re: Suggestions 4 sTr - Stoopid Dog - 10-20-2009

tdot Wrote:i like the ideas but i agree with fluff whats the point have having 50 forums with the amount of people that post. i wouldnt make any sense if anything just keep it the way that it is, and add a suggestion box and the penpal thing bc i know that people here would donate to keep this site alive we are like our extended internet family.. and im the retarded adopted cousin seeing as im from canada and all bajaj
