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Twitter? - Printable Version

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Twitter? - Alyzzia - 10-12-2009

My name is Xevia on Twitter, anyone here on there? Post your names so I can stalk/follow you :)

Re: Twitter? - Slacker - 10-12-2009

Hang Loose

Re: Twitter? - sTr - 10-12-2009


[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Twitter? - Ms Felony - 10-12-2009

I don't do twitter.

Re: Twitter? - cupcake - 10-12-2009


Re: Twitter? - Insanecowposse - 10-13-2009

fuck twitter what the hell is the point? We have cell phones and instant messengers and hell this board so Really how many ways do you need to keep track of someone?

Re: Twitter? - sTr - 10-13-2009

twitters pretty cool, depends on who you follow, ! like to follow random people and spy on them... and you can make tweets from B6....

Re: Twitter? - Keezie - 10-13-2009


Re: Twitter? - Autumn - 10-13-2009


I usually make random pointless updates by text.

Re: Twitter? - sTr - 10-15-2009

is there anymore that you can do on twitter?

Re: Twitter? - Alyzzia - 10-15-2009

sTr Wrote:is there anymore that you can do on twitter?

Not a whole lot, I just like the aspect of taking stupid pics on my phone and sharing them with people quickly and most sites have a twitter button to share interesting/funny stuff.

Re: Twitter? - sTr - 10-15-2009

! was being sarcastic, but twitter is pretty dope...

Re: Twitter? - Alyzzia - 10-15-2009

Yep, I'm stupid :)

Re: Twitter? - sTr - 10-17-2009

you're smart enough to post @ B6, that's good enough for me...

Re: Twitter? - sTr - 11-30-2009

speaking of twitter, everyone that IS part of the twitter craze, follow B6 on twitter, @BoardSix, act like ya heard, ya heard... it will display all posts in form of tweets....

Re: Twitter? - Ms Felony - 11-30-2009

oh god, does that mena even this post is on twitter, if so fuck you, you bunch of twats!

Re: Twitter? - sTr - 11-30-2009

no.... Thinking

Re: Twitter? - Ms Felony - 11-30-2009

oh, that's good then Pimp

Re: Twitter? - sTr - 11-30-2009

twitter is down right now, it's the balls balls... ! wonder if someones dead, every time twitter goes down there's some shit going down... hopefully it's zombies...

Re: Twitter? - Ms Felony - 11-30-2009

zombies don't go down, they rise up....

Re: Twitter? - sTr - 11-30-2009

but think of how many tweets would be going down amidst a zombie apocalypse... a lot...

Re: Twitter? - Toxic Love - 12-01-2009

I don't understand the point of twitter. I signed up for it since 5 people told me to... and all it is... is a facebook or myspace status website. Like wtf. Go on FB or MS or text or call somebody. Why do we need another site about statuses?

Re: Twitter? - juggalogigolo - 12-01-2009

people are so fucking self important........ no one fucking cares what your doing.... alll... fucking... day....

no one fucking cares!

fucka twitter

Re: Twitter? - Ms Felony - 12-01-2009

fred Wrote:people are so fucking self important........ no one fucking cares what your doing.... alll... fucking... day....

no one fucking cares!

fucka twitter


Re: Twitter? - sTr - 12-01-2009

fred Wrote:people are so fucking self important........ no one fucking cares what your doing.... alll... fucking... day....

no one fucking cares!

that's like the nigger calling the kettle black...