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i got tickets !!!!!! - Printable Version

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i got tickets !!!!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 10-09-2009

im so fucking exited going to see dethklok on the 21 cant wait cowposses going but he doesent like them that much ( i talked him into it )

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - N-Do - 10-09-2009

good shit, how much were your tix?

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - sTr - 10-09-2009

A blowjob and a reach-around

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Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - Insanecowposse - 10-09-2009

84 fucking dollars out of my pocket. They have a totally kick ass band and they movie in the background is going to be badass and the mosh pit is going to be bad ass but the singer is a low grumbly distorted fuck of a metal singer. I grew upo listening to old school megadeth metallica testament pantera slayer etc the foundation of thrash and death and I can appreciate a good screamer but this guy just sounds heavy at a really low volume with shitty recording. I will probably love the show come home sweating my ass off and change my mind about the band and race larry to the bathroom so i can rub one out to every wild girl that flashed their gonzagas at me and then roll over and go to sleep with the bathroom door locked naked and in shame.

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 10-09-2009

Insanecowposse Wrote:84 fucking dollars out of my pocket. They have a totally kick ass band and they movie in the background is going to be badass and the mosh pit is going to be bad ass but the singer is a low grumbly distorted fuck of a metal singer. I grew upo listening to old school megadeth metallica testament pantera slayer etc the foundation of thrash and death and I can appreciate a good screamer but this guy just sounds heavy at a really low volume with shitty recording. I will probably love the show come home sweating my ass off and change my mind about the band and race larry to the bathroom so i can rub one out to every wild girl that flashed their gonzagas at me and then roll over and go to sleep with the bathroom door locked naked and in shame.
bajaj bajaj theres no locks on the shitty apartment doors bajaj

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - Insanecowposse - 10-09-2009

It sounds like this can lead to rape I might want to not get drunk....

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - Slacker - 10-09-2009

are converge playing too?

if so, faces will be melting all over the place

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - cupcake - 10-10-2009

Converge, Mastodon and Dethklok.

I get to see them all on TUESDAY BITCHES.

oh yes.

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - juggalogigolo - 10-10-2009

fucking brutal

sounds dildos

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 10-10-2009

fred Wrote:sounds dildos

thats because u still have one in you

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - sTr - 10-11-2009

you must be awfully close to his rectum...

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 10-11-2009

well lets just sa ythe carpet matches the drapes

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - Insanecowposse - 10-11-2009

he has drapes in his asshole?

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - sTr - 10-12-2009

! bet that's not all that he has up there... bajajajajajajaj

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - Autumn - 10-12-2009

You guys are hilarious!! I should see if theyre playing around here and try and convince my brother to go.

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 10-13-2009

sTr Wrote:! bet that's not all that he has up there... bajajajajajajaj
yeah i found a dead ostrage up there

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - evulninja - 10-13-2009

the closest theyre coming to me is atlanta. and thats a 4 or 5 hour drive depending on traffic. wish i could go but the tix are way too expensive.

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - Insanecowposse - 10-13-2009

I love how monkey spells stuff. We had a little board at work at meijers and Larry tried to diss me on it saying I liked rainbows <insinuating that i was gay> instead he wrote Steve Loves Raimbos. Poor bastard never heard the end of that and if he had well fuck it I just brought it up again.

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - sTr - 10-15-2009

it's cause he's a joo...

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - cupcake - 10-15-2009

dethklok was amazing - as expected.

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - Insanecowposse - 10-15-2009

We still haven't seen them yet. WIth me and larry in the same place tho some shit will go down. I think we are going to end up fighting over who is the designated driver cus Larry was reminding me that this is the last check before the concert. He then said something about drinking and t shirts or something. Little known fact if you get me drunk enough and throw beads I will flash my testicles.

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - sTr - 10-17-2009

only a few days away... so what's the deal with this band, were they a band before the cartoon or what?

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - cupcake - 10-19-2009

No, they weren't.
Dethklok was a creation of Brendon Small for the show.

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 10-19-2009

sTr Wrote:only a few days away... so what's the deal with this band, were they a band before the cartoon or what?

its has the same creator as home movies brendon small

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - cupcake - 10-19-2009

Brendon Small is totally going to be my babydaddy.

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - sTr - 10-20-2009

that's a strange transition... ! liked home movies better, but the other shit is good every now and then...

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - cupcake - 10-20-2009

You can tell where Metalocalypse originated kinda with Dwayne's band in Home Movies.
I love love love me some Home Movies.

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 10-21-2009

never cared for home movies but you can give me aqua teen hunger force i can do meatwad perfect

Re: i got tickets !!!!!! - sTr - 10-21-2009

athf is the gayest shit ever...