Board 6
my old highschool - Printable Version

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my old highschool - tdot - 10-08-2009

i just found this video of my old highschool.. this was taken while i was still in it and im saddend by this

Re: my old highschool - sTr - 10-08-2009

bajaj, wtf... where do you live?

Re: my old highschool - tdot - 10-08-2009

just outside of toronto.. isent that fucking sad

Re: my old highschool - Grimlin - 10-08-2009


Fucking Gay dude.......

Re: my old highschool - tdot - 10-08-2009

bajaj tell me about it they used to play that music in the morning before the announcements

Re: my old highschool - Autumn - 10-08-2009

Your school was THAT diverse? Crazy. My boyfriend lived in the boonies and even he graduated with a black guy or two.. I didn't graduate with any. WTH?

Re: my old highschool - sTr - 10-09-2009

that's where they outsourced my job, they took it to canada and hired a bunch of indians... wtf