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!'m in charge of - Printable Version

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!'m in charge of - sTr - 10-07-2009

kicking pat (penguin) out today. kinda sucks, but he had it coming. he's stayed here for almost 2 months w/o paying any rent, but he still eats our food and drinks are beer. we gave him chances and really cheap rent, he still can't afford it, but he doesn't ever look for jobs. ! just lost my job so ! can't afford to pay for anyone extra. any input on how ! should handle it?

Re: !'m in charge of - Ms Felony - 10-07-2009

throw his stuff out the door and change the locks

Re: !'m in charge of - Slacker - 10-07-2009

let him pay with sexual favours

Re: !'m in charge of - Grimlin - 10-07-2009

Ouch,I was wondering how he was doing.Can't do did try to help him.

Why wasn't he looking for a job?

Re: !'m in charge of - sTr - 10-07-2009

not sure, one time i gave him the job section, he took it in the room and went to sleep...

Re: !'m in charge of - juggalogigolo - 10-07-2009

lazy motherfuckers are lazy

that fucking nigger and his cousin/brother/whatever drank my fucking bottle of ohana very berry ive been saving for a special occasion, it was 6 years old and has been out of production forever..... fuck that nigger

throw his shit on the front lawn and change the locks

Re: !'m in charge of - sTr - 10-07-2009

Mission accomplised, it was hard, but had to get it done. He didn't take it well but ! Had to do what ! Had to do. ! Like to be hospitable, but ! Can't take care of everyone, especially when ! Have to scrape for rent an utilities myself. Just let this show you all that ! Am loyal to the people on the board, and ! Will help you. Just not forever

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: !'m in charge of - Keezie - 10-07-2009

cool of you to take him in in the first place. why did he quit posting anyways?

Re: !'m in charge of - sTr - 10-07-2009

no computer, if ! had an extra one here he prolly would have posted, but ! hare my room with my women and she likes her privacy.. you'll prolly see him on again when he goes to his other place...

Re: !'m in charge of - Grimlin - 10-07-2009

fred Wrote:lazy motherfuckers are lazy

that fucking nigger and his cousin/brother/whatever drank my fucking bottle of ohana very berry ive been saving for a special occasion, it was 6 years old and has been out of production forever..... fuck that nigger

throw his shit on the front lawn and change the locks

You sure it's out of production?

Because if i find it I'll be more than glad to send you a bottle back to you.

It's been almost 4 years since i had any Faygo products other than cherry cola & Dr. Faygo(My favorites).

Lately I can't get enough of Mountain Dew and Dr.Pepper.

Re: !'m in charge of - Grimlin - 10-07-2009

Word @ sTr being a cool dude.

Re: !'m in charge of - juggalogigolo - 10-08-2009

almost positive its out of production, but im sure you are able to find a lot more flavors than i am, if you EVER run across it, i would happily pay the 30 fuckin dollars it would cost to ship it here

Re: !'m in charge of - Paullehh - 10-08-2009

How did him not taking it well go?
Did he cuss you out and shit?

Re: !'m in charge of - sTr - 10-08-2009

no, he was more sad then anything...

Re: !'m in charge of - Paullehh - 10-08-2009

His own fault by the sounds of it dude.
You done him a favor now he's going to need to sort his own shit out and will be better off for it.

Re: !'m in charge of - sTr - 10-08-2009

!'m sure he learned a life lesson... if not, oh well.. he wasn't a bad person, he didn't do anything maliciously, but he needed drive to get out and do something..

Re: !'m in charge of - Paullehh - 10-08-2009

Where is he going?
Long hike back to Detroit.

Re: !'m in charge of - sTr - 10-08-2009

he'll probably stay at this bum kids house that he let leech of of him when he had his apt... then after that hopefully he'll apply himself and look for a job that makes an hourly wage instead of just tips. from there is actually fairly easy to live out here...

Re: !'m in charge of - Grimlin - 10-08-2009

There's nothing here.Why come back? He'd be better off homeless in Arizona.

If sTr can do it,he can do it too.

Re: !'m in charge of - Ms Felony - 10-08-2009

yeah, but sTr has drive and ambition, by the sounds of it penguin doesn't....

Re: !'m in charge of - Grimlin - 10-08-2009

If he didn't have the drive he would have never made it to Arizona in the first place.So drive and ambition was there.

It has more to do with self confidence.........and probably a little on his part of being a Lazy ass.

I've notice a lot of people suffer from self confidence in Michigan.Michigan has a way of raping that hardcore.I used to be pretty self confidence when i first came up here.....I lost a lot of that now. LOL

Re: !'m in charge of - sTr - 10-08-2009

that's why they have this statue

[Image: detroit_fist-600x453.jpg]

to remind you that you are being fisted at every opportunity...

Re: !'m in charge of - Grimlin - 10-08-2009

sTr Wrote:that's why they have this statue

[Image: detroit_fist-600x453.jpg]

to remind you that you are being fisted at every opportunity...

LOL.....Damn...didn't even know that had that here.That's sad......

Re: !'m in charge of - sTr - 10-08-2009

it's across the street from the stargate...

[Image: HartPlaza.jpg]

Re: !'m in charge of - Paullehh - 10-08-2009

Bajaj @ fisting

Re: !'m in charge of - Ms Felony - 10-08-2009

So, is the fist in line with the stargate as if to look like its going to go through it?

Re: !'m in charge of - Slacker - 10-08-2009

word, punch other galaxies in the fucking face

Re: !'m in charge of - Paullehh - 10-08-2009

Or fist them up the ass.

Re: !'m in charge of - Slacker - 10-08-2009

or both

Re: !'m in charge of - sTr - 10-08-2009

ATM (Ass to Mouth)

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: !'m in charge of - Paullehh - 10-08-2009

Sometimes it's ok to go ass to mouth.

Re: !'m in charge of - Autumn - 10-08-2009

Him moving to AZ had nothing to do with drive. He was running from the law.. BIG difference. He's a nice guy, but being a cool person to hang out with and lookin' good won't get him anywhere.. unless he finds a sugar mama.

Re: !'m in charge of - Keezie - 10-08-2009

lmao @ grim not knowing that fist was there

i've been to detroit only once and i saw that freaky thing downtown

Re: !'m in charge of - Ms Felony - 10-08-2009

whats it really supposed to represent....

Re: !'m in charge of - Slacker - 10-08-2009

Mr Felony Wrote:whats it really supposed to represent....

[Image: chuck-norris.jpg]