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I need some help - Printable Version

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I need some help - Grimlin - 10-07-2009

Ok,I'm enrolled with Michigan rehabilitation service(MRS) through Michigan works. I have a dilemma i need solved.The story is i have a counselor who's been a major bitch-roid to me since i got enrolled. I tried to get some kind of help knowledge with job search and program where i could go back to school.She hasn't been much help to me yet....She basically "forced" me to get an hearing aid which i didn't even want in the first place for my left ear.Everybody told me just do what she i did. well i been keeping her progressed with my job ongoings and she is suppose to help me check up and open a door for an employer. 3 months goes by and i haven't heard i just basically stopped updating her on my situation.Now i get this Email......which i find extremely fucked up in so many ways.

Quote:I have been on a medical leave for three months. Please report your progress with job search or employment. Thank ;you.

They didn't inform me,send me to somebody else who probably could have helped me out or anything. I blew the fuck up reading that email alone.She even have the balls to comment me on a misspelled address once....just take a look at that punctuation in that email. My main problem is why the fuck didn't they tell me!They left me clueless for all these weeks.

I want to cancel my help with them.I'll even send that fucking hearing back if they want it....I don't wear the fucking thing anyways.I can't hear anything out of my left why bother? Has anybody had any experience canceling some kind of program like this? If i don't find a job here once my unemployment runs out I'm heading back home to Texas.I'm 90% sure i already got a job lined up if i looked.My contacts down there said job market is doing well.Hell my brother told me he's quitting his job in jan. for whatever reason and knows he can find another with no problems.I can't say that here in Michigan.I've been me.

What would you guys do? If i contact MRS I'm going to blow up on them...I just know it.What would you guys say to them to leave it be in a peaceful way? I really don't feel like dealing with them,i got enough other problems to worry about right now.But i need to break ties with them....they aren't helping my situation at all.

Re: I need some help - Paullehh - 10-07-2009

Can't help soz.
But wtf happened to your left ear dude?

Re: I need some help - sTr - 10-07-2009

that is totally michigan, when ! had to pay my drivers responsibility fee they never sent me any notice until it was late and they suspended my license... it's hard to say what to do, the higher rank person you can talk to, the better. if the secretary of state is in charge call her office, or whoever. the only way you'll get any results is talking to someone with authority, otherwise all those lazy fucks will pass the buck...

Re: I need some help - Grimlin - 10-07-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Can't help soz.
But wtf happened to your left ear dude?

Got extremely sick.Meningitis when i was 3. Lost my hearing because of it.

Re: I need some help - Ms Felony - 10-07-2009

I'd call them and say, now you want my reports?

tell them to get fucked, if they dont let you know about shit then fuck them.

Re: I need some help - sTr - 10-09-2009

ever get this figured out?

Re: I need some help - Grimlin - 10-09-2009

Nope....Right now I'm just blowing her she did me for 3 months. I think she's figuring it out too...because i got this one last night.

Quote:Matthew, I just got back to work after three months of medical leave. I have read all your e-mails, and updated your case record. If you have been hired by an employer please inform me of: Name of company, address, zip, start date, benefit package, hours of work and wages. Let me know if you would like to come into the office to see me. I appreciate your devotion and commitment to your job search, as well as your reporting e-mails. The last job interview you reported in Flat Rock through Diversified Industrial Staffing, did they hire you?

She's referring to that job i "thought" i had awhile back.....but the assholes are giving me the run around @ that staffing company.

I really don't want to go into that office to see this cunt anymore.I'm pissed off....everybody from job search,employers,staffing companies and now Michigan rehab. is giving me the run around.Fucking DEAD ENDS everywhere.

I'm just going to do this shit myself.....Fuck getting help anymore.As if they call that helping me by running me around in dead ends.I hate Michigan. =-/

Re: I need some help - Ms Felony - 10-09-2009

I had that problem when I was unemployed a couple of years ago, It was either being unemployed or working for co-op, and i aint working for fucking co-op.
All the other jobs i wanted didn't exist due to being in a small ass poxy town.

Re: I need some help - Grimlin - 10-09-2009

Mr Felony Wrote:I had that problem when I was unemployed a couple of years ago, It was either being unemployed or working for co-op, and i aint working for fucking co-op.
All the other jobs i wanted didn't exist due to being in a small ass poxy town.

I know how you felt about that.I don't want to work them either....but right now that's the only thing companies are hiring off of.Plus they pay you much less than the actual job pays for.

When i ask for a certain amount of pay that i need to make in order to survive that's when i get turned down.Michigan rehab wants me to take those shitty barely over minimum wage jobs.I keep turning them down because i can't survive off them.They don't seem to understand this......

Re: I need some help - Insanecowposse - 10-09-2009

There is a company called Kelly Services. They got me a wharehouse job once they are thru any state regulated bullshit maybe they can help. It worked for me back in the day so you should look them up. UPS pays pretty well and they always seem to be hiring I got an interview with them about 2 years ago but didn't get hired cus of my driving record at the time. Manpower isn't bad a friend of mine goes thru them but not exactly the best paying jobs. Try it out let me know if it works for you I hope you get something soon. I think its fucked she went on a medical leave for 3 months and didn't pass your information to someone else that could actually help you.

Re: I need some help - Grimlin - 10-09-2009

Been through manpower for the last 3-4 months....I keep getting calls for a $9 hour job....Told them pay me $10 and I'll do it....never got another call from them again.$10 is as low as i can go....otherwise i can't afford my bills.People don't seem to understand this.They know times are tough and they are trying to pass all these low paying jobs and taking advantage of the working man who needs to survive off a certain amount of income.
The job market is very unstable right now.

If i was single....yeah i probably could do it.But i got family and bigger bills than that.

UPS seems to be seasonal sometimes.They don't always have work...they don't have the best track records of being able to keep their employees either.Which is the reason why they are always hiring.

I'll look at Kelly services again.....I might have applied with them and never gotten an answer.It seems to be the case.Neverless I'll check that one again... guess it can't hurt.