Board 6
bajaj! Pwnage - Printable Version

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bajaj! Pwnage - Slacker - 10-07-2009

Quote:Two drunken thugs have learnt a lesson after the pair of cross-dressing men they attacked turned out to be cage fighters in fancy dress.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="​loored_After_Attacking_Hard_Men_In_Drag" onclick=";return false;"> ... en_In_Drag</a><!-- m -->

Re: bajaj! Pwnage - N-Do - 10-07-2009

bajajajaja you dont see that everyday.

Re: bajaj! Pwnage - Paullehh - 10-07-2009

I'll give a bajaj to that shit right there.

Re: bajaj! Pwnage - sTr - 10-07-2009

bet it was felony...

Re: bajaj! Pwnage - Ms Felony - 10-07-2009

me, nah...

funny though.

Re: bajaj! Pwnage - sTr - 10-08-2009

that's almost as good as the one that hit the girl and her bf was a huge motherfucker...