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Dethklok in Sim Form - Printable Version

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Dethklok in Sim Form - fghtffyrdmns - 10-06-2009

[Image: 9534_1255900835526_1169746448_30771426_1880171_n.jpg]

Murderface made dinner after taking a shit and not wiping his hands - the rest of the band got sick.

Re: Dethklok in Sim Form - N-Do - 10-06-2009

not bad, Why is nathan so fuckin fat tho and murderface so skinny??

pickles almost looks like brenden small there lol

Re: Dethklok in Sim Form - fghtffyrdmns - 10-06-2009

Nathans not that fat, it's the way he's shrugging. Murderface should have been fatter, but I wasn't really thinking about it at the time, it was like 5 AM and he was the last of the band I made. Pickles is mad bald though.

Re: Dethklok in Sim Form - Star - 10-06-2009

bajaj, bored much?

i can sit there and play with the create-a-sim tool for hours

Re: Dethklok in Sim Form - sTr - 10-07-2009

! remember all the ICP sims people used to make... bajaj

Re: Dethklok in Sim Form - dirtymonkey22 - 10-08-2009

just got tickets to see dethklok on the 21st cant wait