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Happy October - Printable Version

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Happy October - sTr - 10-01-2009

[Image: db1166-pumpkin-puke.jpg]

what's your favorite part of October, ! know it's a lot of peeps favorite month here so ! figured !'d get to the bottom of this shiz... my guess is everyone will say halloween, with a few "the cooler weather" sprinkled in....

me, it's halloween time son, time to get to decorating... hope you guys like the snazzy halloween banner...

Re: Happy October - Star - 10-01-2009

i just like october because christmas is my favorite time of year, and october means the start of holiday season, so the time until christmas flies

Re: Happy October - sTr - 10-01-2009

word, as much as ! hate jesus, x-mas is always good times... ! think it's mainly because ! enjoy watching people struggle and feel shitty.... fav thing to do is sit in the mall at x-mas and just get into peoples way....

Re: Happy October - Grimlin - 10-01-2009

I hate the Fall & winter and every month in it.

Is it Spring yet?

Re: Happy October - sTr - 10-01-2009

word, !'m with ya on that, cold weather is the balls balls, ! was freezing my ass off on the way to work... fuckin 70 degree weather...

Re: Happy October - Grimlin - 10-01-2009

I think our 70 degrees weather is now gone.60's for a high is cool,but 30's-40's for a low sucks.

Re: Happy October - sTr - 10-01-2009

word, they said the low was gonna be in the 40's here this week.. ! was like WTF, we usually get a week of really cold weather, but it's never until late nov, early dec....

Re: Happy October - Slacker - 10-01-2009

sTr Wrote:word, as much as ! hate jesus, x-mas is always good times...
