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I almost cried today - Printable Version

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I almost cried today - Enigma - 09-30-2009

Over an ant, of all things. It's an interesting story. I was standing in the Commons area, where all the lockers are and students hang out between classes and after school, in the high school that I work at. I noticed this ant, he was quite large for an ant, but I've definitely seen larger, making his way across the floor. I can only wonder how he got there. Was he on someone's shoe or pants? Did he come in on a back pack? Or had he made it all the way towards the back of the Commons on his own from the doors? Only he knows, and I don't think he could have remembered himself. He must have been scared, all alone and separated from his colony. I watched him for a long time. Every time a student walked over him my breath caught in my throat. I should have picked him up and taken him outside. I watched as he met close calls and changed his course of direction every so often. When finally, a group of girls walked in his direction. There were at least 5. I knew he wouldn't be so lucky this time. And I was right. After the girls walked past I saw him laying on the floor. He was so tiny. No one else would have seen him. They're all caught up in their own life. I walked to him to see if my fears were true. He lay there, small body bent and broken. I almost cried. The poor little guy was just trying to find his way home. Now he will never go home again.

When you think about it, our life isn't much different. We wander around lost and alone, never paying attention to what is around us, no one paying attention to what is around them. Then one day we are gone. I wonder, how many people will notice my absense when it is my time? How many people will just walk by without caring?

Just my thoughts. Thought I'd share.

Re: I almost cried today - sTr - 09-30-2009

word, on the freel. ants are the shit, ! don't kill ants, not because ! don't eat meat, but because they are bad ass workers and fighters... fuck teenage girls, they are jerks, !'m surprised nobody came and killed it on purpose, for no reason mind you...

Re: I almost cried today - Enigma - 09-30-2009

Nobody saw him. I was the only one. Everyone else was too wrapped up in their own existence. I do my best to avoid stepping on them, I watch the ground when I walk for that reason. I only squash ants if they're in my house. I guess it's a territorial issue. And I don't want ants in my food.

Re: I almost cried today - Grimlin - 09-30-2009

Re: I almost cried today - Autumn - 10-01-2009

Aww.. that story was really sad. I did cry over my mom killing a little spider once. :( And, fuck people who thinks its cool to kill animals.

Re: I almost cried today - Grimlin - 10-01-2009

I love taking a magnify glass and burn ants & bugs when i was little.

Coolest shit ever......

Re: I almost cried today - Ms Felony - 10-01-2009

Autumn Wrote:( And, fuck people who thinks its cool to kill animals.

an ant isn't an animal.

A long time ago when I was seeing a friend there were a lot of wasps about, so he killed a bunch of em and the interesting thing is that the live wasps were flying down to the dead ones and what only I can assume they were doing was salvage, They were flying down and taking parts off the dead wasps by chewing off their limbs and heads then flying away with them?

I was like no way...Is there a production line where they make wasps or something.... yo Yo YO

Re: I almost cried today - Grimlin - 10-01-2009

BB gun to a wasp nest= fun times

Re: I almost cried today - Paullehh - 10-01-2009

Fucked up story, imagine letting that ant die.
You are sick, SICK!!!

Re: I almost cried today - Grimlin - 10-01-2009

You should try boiling a lobster alive...they scream.....

Tastes pretty damn delicious too!

Re: I almost cried today - Slacker - 10-01-2009

if i catch a spider in my house i throw it in the toilet and pee on it

just to let the other spiders know who is the boss

8 legged bitches

Re: I almost cried today - Grimlin - 10-01-2009

Slacker Wrote:if i catch a spider in my house i throw it in the toilet and pee on it

just to let the other spiders know who is the boss

8 legged bitches too....

Re: I almost cried today - Insanecowposse - 10-02-2009

I found a praying mantis once and i kept it as a pet and and it was awesome how it would catch flies like a ninja and one day my dad told me i had to let it go. I let it go in the backyard and later found my rottweiler sitting on it. I hit the dog but it wouldn't move i struggled to get the dog off and finally i got the dog off only to see the poor bastard winking and twitching like the first time i saw Larry naked it was terrible.

Re: I almost cried today - Paullehh - 10-02-2009

Grimlin Wrote:You should try boiling a lobster alive...they scream.....
Lobsters can not shout or scream.

What you hear is like a kettle whistle through there shell.

Re: I almost cried today - Grimlin - 10-02-2009

Paullehh Wrote:
Grimlin Wrote:You should try boiling a lobster alive...they scream.....
Lobsters can not shout or scream.

What you hear is like a kettle whistle through there shell.

LOL...I know....i was just being an ass. yo Yo YO

Re: I almost cried today - Star - 10-02-2009

Insanecowposse Wrote:I found a praying mantis once and i kept it as a pet and and it was awesome how it would catch flies like a ninja and one day my dad told me i had to let it go. I let it go in the backyard and later found my rottweiler sitting on it. I hit the dog but it wouldn't move i struggled to get the dog off and finally i got the dog off only to see the poor bastard winking and twitching like the first time i saw Larry naked it was terrible.

ugh, my dad accidentally threw a praying mantis at me once, now i'm afraid to even walk past them, which is weird, because i never used to really be afraid of bugs. i feel bad whenever i kill a bug, which works out since i don't want to get close enough to kill them anyway. we have a massive fucking spider living on our porch, because fred won't kill it. now i won't even go outside at night because that's when it's awake; during the day it's all balled up so it looks dead. idk why, in the past year or so i've started occasionally having night terrors where i wake up and go flying out of bed because i was in this weird half-sleep half-wake state and thought there were bugs crawling all over the bed...fred thinks it's hilarious :(

Re: I almost cried today - Ms Felony - 10-02-2009

what spider is living in your porch, have you looked it up...

It could be poisonous

Re: I almost cried today - Slacker - 10-02-2009

pee on it!

Re: I almost cried today - Grimlin - 10-02-2009

Slacker Wrote:pee on it!

I bet fred could reach it with his dick.

Re: I almost cried today - Autumn - 10-02-2009

-doesn't wanna think about Fred's dick. All red forest-y and shit. lol

Re: I almost cried today - sTr - 10-02-2009

bajaj, it probably totally is... but... how do you know?

Re: I almost cried today - Autumn - 10-02-2009

Um, the pube pic.. HELLO! lol I wouldn't know otherwise. But, my man does have red hair, too. lmao

Re: I almost cried today - dirtymonkey22 - 10-03-2009

yeah but your man isnt fred

Re: I almost cried today - sTr - 10-04-2009

that should be a good thing

Re: I almost cried today - Grimlin - 10-04-2009


Re: I almost cried today - Autumn - 10-04-2009

It is a good thing. I love my man. :) But, Fred is comic relief, because he is fuckin hilarious. It would be worth it to have him around for entertainment value.

Re: I almost cried today - sTr - 10-04-2009

He reminds me of paul bunyon, but instead up cuttin trees he cuts up animals... he should be paul bunyon for halloween...

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