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My home project - Grimlin - 09-25-2009


[Image: dscn0682d.jpg]

[Image: dscn0683lt.jpg]


[Image: dscn0685g.jpg]

[Image: dscn0686.jpg]

[Image: dscn0687i.jpg]

Re: My home project - sTr - 09-25-2009

snazzy.... ! like the decorations... fuck plain and boring... you deserve a beer...

Re: My home project - Grimlin - 09-25-2009

Not 100% done with decorations yet,but I'm done for a few days now.Spray painting letters didn't work out like i wanted it to.So I'm coming up with something a little different later one.

I think I'm off to the beer store tonight.

Re: My home project - Paullehh - 09-25-2009

Good idea to cover up the gaps.
You should have sanded before painting, then gave multiple layers if you only had a single can of white paint.
That kind of wood is a nightmare to work with and really needs the extra protection from the elements.

Re: My home project - Grimlin - 09-25-2009

That wood is a nightmare,you got that right(It was free and i already had it).Now that i think of are right i should have sanded it.My budget was limited. :( The paint i use though should give it some protection from warping in the weather.It was outdoor(deck and patio) water protection paint.I only had one small bucket to work with....I got lucky.It was barely enough.I might get a clear coat top and paint it again.I want to get the decorations on it before i do that though.

As long as it lasts for 3-5 years I'm good...Don't plan on staying in this house for long.

Re: My home project - N-Do - 09-25-2009

Well yeah that aint bad for just havin some wood n puttin it up and covering it with the outdoor paint. You had to drill holes in the frame for those screws too right?

Re: My home project - Paullehh - 09-25-2009

What is the metal chain and the thing it's attached to?
For a dog?

Re: My home project - juggalogigolo - 09-25-2009

get rid of the screen door hinge, it looks trailerpark

Re: My home project - Ms Felony - 09-25-2009

fred Wrote:get rid of the screen door hinge, it looks trailerpark

it is a fucking trailer park dumbass.

Re: My home project - Grimlin - 09-25-2009

N-Do Wrote:Well yeah that aint bad for just havin some wood n puttin it up and covering it with the outdoor paint. You had to drill holes in the frame for those screws too right?

Yeah,had to drill new holds for it.Brand new bolts and everything.That thing isn't going anywhere.

Paullehh Wrote:What is the metal chain and the thing it's attached to?
For a dog?


fred Wrote:get rid of the screen door hinge, it looks trailerpark

agagaga It is a trailer park! It's where i put my dog's chain on.I will get rid of it tomorrow.

I just got a spanking new idea....I'm going to put one of those little hangers hook behind the wood and hook my dog's chain up from there when he's inside the house.It'll look much better and safer than that door hinge sticking out. Gum

Re: My home project - juggalogigolo - 09-26-2009

i know its a fucking trailer park, but the whole point of putting the wood up was to make the shit look nicer, getting rid of the fucking screendoor hinge would make it look a lot nicer

Re: My home project - Grimlin - 09-26-2009

fred Wrote:i know its a fucking trailer park, but the whole point of putting the wood up was to make the shit look nicer, getting rid of the fucking screendoor hinge would make it look a lot nicer

Indeed,it's done.I got rid of it.Thanks for the heads up.I would take a picture,but it's raining out right now and i don't feel like going back out again.

It looks much nicer now.The chain doesn't run up the steps anymore.

Re: My home project - sTr - 09-27-2009

! thought the chain was there to scare of the niggers...

Re: My home project - Grimlin - 09-27-2009

sTr Wrote:! thought the chain was there to scare of the niggers...

well it's still there,but out of the way from the steps.

Re: My home project - sTr - 09-28-2009

word, so are the nigs... chains are like scare crows the the blacks...

Re: My home project - Grimlin - 09-28-2009

Indeed,it keeps them away.

Re: My home project - Star - 09-28-2009

should've picked rope

Re: My home project - sTr - 09-28-2009

bajaj, you need a good tree near for that, unless you have a big truck....

Re: My home project - Paullehh - 09-28-2009



Re: My home project - Grimlin - 09-28-2009

Star Wrote:should've picked rope

Been there done that twice.....That shit breaks way too fast.Chains are better and they last longer.

Re: My home project - Star - 09-28-2009

word, that was my lame attempt at being cool and making a black person joke, forget it, i'm pretty lame.

Re: My home project - Grimlin - 09-28-2009

I got it... ;)

Re: My home project - juggalogigolo - 09-28-2009

burning crosses work better at scaring off darkies

Re: My home project - sTr - 09-29-2009

draws too much attention, at least the blacks blend into the dark night sky... unless you let them smile...

Re: My home project - Paullehh - 09-29-2009

If you want to keep darkies away just put up a sign saying there are job vacancys

Re: My home project - Ms Felony - 09-29-2009

[Image: grimjob.jpg]

that should do it.

Re: My home project - Grimlin - 09-29-2009


Re: My home project - sTr - 09-30-2009

! love it, it should be done.... on the flip-side, instead of the nigs you'll have all the bums in town tryin' to get paid...

Re: My home project - Enigma - 09-30-2009

Star Wrote:word, that was my lame attempt at being cool and making a black person joke, forget it, i'm pretty lame.
you're not lame! i got it right away. and i bajaj'd hardcore. :)

Re: My home project - sTr - 10-01-2009

chains keep the nigs down, that's my main goal...

Re: My home project - Insanecowposse - 10-01-2009

Put a sign saying free fried chicken and watch.....

Re: My home project - Ms Felony - 10-01-2009

would they really need the watch?

They'd probably just pawn it off....

Re: My home project - sTr - 10-01-2009
