Board 6
How sad is it... - Printable Version

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How sad is it... - Enigma - 09-24-2009

that i want to get a tattoo that says Bajaj!

(note: the 6! is supposed to be under the B)

Re: How sad is it... - sTr - 09-24-2009

word... !'ve wanted to get a b6 and/or bajaj tattoo for years... !'ll prolly do it someday... ! got my face tattoo'd on my leg, why not bajaj....

Re: How sad is it... - Enigma - 09-24-2009

bajaj! i dunno why...but like, for forever i've wanted a b6 tattoo...maybe cuz this has always been a big part of my life and i do consider most of you to be friends, ya know? life just feels somewhat empty without B6.

Re: How sad is it... - sTr - 09-24-2009

That's why !'m putting so much effort to always have new features, and shit that other sites don't have. It won't die this time, it may slow down, but it'll at least stay up...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: How sad is it... - Enigma - 09-24-2009

i know i'll post here for as long as i've got a computer and internet access. the only reason why i disappeared from the ogb6 was cuz i wasn't able to log on. same with the last version, the one we were viewing on the webarchive. i didn't have a way to log on. and then when i did, i was sooooo sad to realize that it'd been shut down.

Re: How sad is it... - Star - 09-24-2009


go for it

Re: How sad is it... - Insanecowposse - 09-24-2009

Hers a good question where do you want the tattoo?

Re: How sad is it... - juggalogigolo - 09-24-2009

i wanna see stephans face tattoo

Re: How sad is it... - sTr - 09-24-2009

[Image: strtattoo.jpg]

Re: How sad is it... - Clizownmothafackoz17 - 09-24-2009

Hahaha. I was just thinking about how fuckin weird it would be if I saw someone I didn't know in public and they had a B6/bajaj tat. Fuck it. We should all do it.

Re: How sad is it... - sTr - 09-24-2009

It's my next tat for sure...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: How sad is it... - Enigma - 09-25-2009

i'd probably get it like on my forearm or something. but when people asked me what it meant i'd be all,'s a message board. lol

Re: How sad is it... - juggalogigolo - 09-25-2009


tramp stamp it up with a bajaj!!!1!

Re: How sad is it... - sTr - 09-25-2009

! was thinking about how bad ass that would be, but ! could never get it done myself...

Re: How sad is it... - juggalogigolo - 09-25-2009

why not>?, that would be so fucking sweet

Re: How sad is it... - sTr - 09-25-2009

well the trampstamp parts, the bajaj tattoo is on, just not above my ass...