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Duct taped cat saved, $1,000 reward offered in animal abuse - Printable Version

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Duct taped cat saved, $1,000 reward offered in animal abuse - sTr - 09-24-2009

[Image: Duct-tape-cat_1487802c.jpg]

Quote:The PSPCA is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the person who wrapped the female cat.

A woman spotted the feline wandering, covered in tape from neck to tail, and brought the animal to the humane society.

Medical staff at the PSPCA were able to successfully cut off the tape and the black and tan striped cat is recovering.

Video of the cat after the removal of the tape shows a seemingly happy animal, purring and apparently unafraid of its human handlers.

Staff at the shelter have named the cat "Sticky".

"This is a very very very sweet cat," George Bengal, of the PSPCA, told Fox News. "I can't imagine someone doing this to this cat. I mean, this is a domestic cat. Obviously, it was owned, it can be handled very easily."

! saw this and had to post it, W to the TF

Re: Duct taped cat saved, $1,000 reward offered in animal abuse - Paullehh - 09-24-2009

There are some sickos out there who do shit to animals.
Just the other day some dickhead threw puppies in a bag on a country road beside my town and they all died.

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Hope they catch and name the creep.

Re: Duct taped cat saved, $1,000 reward offered in animal abuse - N-Do - 09-24-2009

Damn a thousand bucks and knowing that those fuckers get theirs.... good deal.

I hope someone knows something.

Re: Duct taped cat saved, $1,000 reward offered in animal abuse - Grimlin - 09-24-2009 did they get that duct tape off? That shit had to take forever. I know they cut it off...but even then,duct tape is not fun trying to get off. I almost duct taped my beard just a minute ago and it hurt like a mofo and i barely got myself.

Re: Duct taped cat saved, $1,000 reward offered in animal abuse - Enigma - 09-24-2009

they more than likely sedated her so she wouldn't be moving around. then just cut it off with a scalpel. it had to take a lot of time....and she's probably bald right now...but, really, bajaj at "Sticky". as bad as that is, i couldn't help but giggle. poor kitty. i want to adopt her!!!!

Re: Duct taped cat saved, $1,000 reward offered in animal abuse - sTr - 09-24-2009

! would have totally adopted it, probably would have named it duct kitty....

Re: Duct taped cat saved, $1,000 reward offered in animal abuse - Enigma - 09-25-2009

i wish i could adopt her. i'd let her keep her name of Sticky. that's just really really really clever. :)