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bajaj, klingons... - Printable Version

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bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-23-2009

! just stumbled across this board, can't wait to spam them when ! get home...

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Re: bajaj, klingons... - N-Do - 09-23-2009

bjajaja... im down to join you.

Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-23-2009

! was looking around, then ! started to notice that everyones avatar was a picture of them as a klingon.. ! felt like jim breuer in that pizza hut commercial, "JackPot!!!"

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Grimlin - 09-23-2009 the results. I wanna see this later.

Re: bajaj, klingons... - N-Do - 09-23-2009

sTr Wrote:! was looking around, then ! started to notice that everyones avatar was a picture of them as a klingon.. ! felt like jim breuer in that pizza hut commercial, "JackPot!!!"

bajajajaja I feel ya.

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Paullehh - 09-23-2009

Givet them the goatse storm from hell.

Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-23-2009

the fantastic four is coming for those fools...

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Enigma - 09-24-2009

so, i'm awaiting activation.....bajaj @ my user name is gonna be Enigoatsema. bajajajaja. hopefully i am activated and can spam. :)

Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-24-2009

! have 3 days off, they better be ready for the most bad ass kingon ever....

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Enigma - 09-24-2009

bajaj. i'm not off til i may wait to spam til then...cuz then i can do more spammage...but still. i've never spammed before, so i'm excited. i'm like a private on the way to battle(vagina) the first time.

Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-24-2009

Oh, it's so much fun. ! Learned to take screenshots be cause they usually delete it... the best is when that one dummy board accidently deleted all their posts... bajaj

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Re: bajaj, klingons... - Paullehh - 09-25-2009

sTr Wrote:Oh, it's so much fun. ! Learned to take screenshots be cause they usually delete it... the best is when that one dummy board accidently deleted all their posts... bajaj

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]
Bajaj word @ hatemachine deleting there whole entire general chat section for 1 stinking page of goatse.

Sooooo, have you spam bombed those klingon fags yet?
Set phasers to shock and awe!

Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-25-2009

they have to confirm your activation, !'m assuming they probably get spammed a lot.. you know, dressing up as kingons and all...

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Paullehh - 09-25-2009

Oh lame..
If you registered as Boardsix or some shit you wont get a confirm.

Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-25-2009

! know, ghey as hell, enigma registered as enigoatsema, not sure if she got her validation yet....

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Autumn - 09-25-2009

You really can't even tell she has Goatse in her name, it just looks like Enigo Atsema.. sounds like an Asian name! lol

Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-26-2009

! know, it took me a second to de-code it...

Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-28-2009

bajaj, just got my validation e-mail...

Crazy Klingons Club Wrote:Greetings!

I want to welcome you to The Empire. If you could please take the time to answer a few questions before you are fully registered.

Were you refer to The Empire by a current member? If so please let us know how it was.

If not how did you find The Empire?

What made you choose The Empire and Klingon's?

Thank you for your time.

Please send response to: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->

chom Arizhel sutai-Reshtarc (Major Arizhel sutai-Reshtarc)
'oDwI' to the High Council

The Empire - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

what should ! jot down for my answers?

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Grimlin - 09-29-2009

I just checked that out.......I'd be surprise if you are even able to post.

Those guys look like full blown nerds who would know how to stop spam or fakes real quickly.Look how long they activated you and now asking those tricky questions.

I don't see you having any luck....

Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-29-2009

!'Ll do it smart, just wait until no admins or mods, open enough tabs as threada on the page, write all my posts, drop bombs on dat ass, then screen shot and post...

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Re: bajaj, klingons... - Grimlin - 09-29-2009

Good luck...Make sure you find somebody that knows how to answers those questions correctly.Assuming they won't activate you until you do so?

Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-29-2009

Paullehh should know some good troll bs to fill that with...

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Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-29-2009

Paullehh should know some good troll bs to fill that with...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Star - 09-29-2009

i don't think it would be too hard to answer them... you don't know a current member, but you found the board while you were searching for others who share your interests, and then just look up the klingon wikipedia page or something and talk about why klingons are the greatest fucking things ever, and if the don't like your answers, point out the grammatical errors in that email

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Grimlin - 09-29-2009

Pointing out mistakes to a High Council is a big no-no.......

Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-29-2009

what !'m gonna do is find one of their high trafficked pages and make up a story on using google to search to find info for some klingon fan article !'m writing for my College Literature class on subject x. X being whatever ! can find them talking about a lot that would should up on a search engine. then they will get the fantastic four...

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Paullehh - 09-29-2009

Sounds like a plan
get it in action and boldly go where no b6er has gone before.

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Grimlin - 09-29-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Sounds like a plan
get it in action and boldly go where no b6er has gone before.

lol..... Thumbs Up

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Star - 09-29-2009

bajaj, there aren't many places we haven't gone...

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Grimlin - 09-29-2009

Ain't that the truth....

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Star - 09-29-2009

it amuses me how i apparently post things, but then i go back to see what got said at the end of a thread, entirely forgetting that i posted in it at all, and am amazed that the person is responding to something i said...

Re: bajaj, klingons... - Grimlin - 09-29-2009

Short term memory FTW!

Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-29-2009

! Have selected short term memory, except ! don't get to select whet it is ! Get to rememberr....

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Re: bajaj, klingons... - Star - 09-29-2009

i normally have excellent memory; i can remember details that a lot of people don't even notice the first time, but when it comes to b6, sometimes i get in a hurry and just post something automatically without even thinking

Re: bajaj, klingons... - sTr - 09-30-2009

stop smoking so much pot, geez...