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Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Printable Version

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Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - N-Do - 09-20-2009

This is a long one so ill bold/underline the important parts.

MSNBC Wrote:Slayings suspect put violent rap songs on Web
20-year-old arrested on charges of killing four in Virginia college town

FARMVILLE, Va. - Richard Alden Samuel McCroskey III rapped about the thrill of murder in songs he posted on the Internet. Police believe the fantasy lyrics became a gruesome reality in a small Virginia college town.

McCroskey, 20, was being held Sunday in the killings of four people who were found at a Longwood University professor's home near campus in Farmville, which is about 50 miles west of Richmond. McCroskey, of Castro Valley, Calif., faces charges of first-degree murder, robbery and grand larceny of an automobile, said Farmville police Capt. Wade Stimpson.

The aspiring rapper in the underground horrorcore genre, which sets violent lyrics to hip-hop beats, was arrested Saturday at a Richmond airport, where authorities believe he was trying to catch a flight back to California. Officers found McCroskey asleep in the baggage claim area.

A day earlier, authorities discovered the bodies in the home of Debra S. Kelley, an associate professor of sociology and criminal justice studies, school spokeswoman Gina Caldwell. Authorities have not released the names of those killed or said how they died.

Death, murder and mutilation
McCroskey recorded songs that spoke of death, murder and mutilation under the name Syko Sam. His MySpace Web page said he has only been rapping for a few months but has been a fan for years of the horrorcore genre.

"You're not the first, just to let you know. I've killed many people and I kill them real slow. It's the best feeling, watching their last breath. Stabbing and stabbing till there's nothing left," McCroskey sings in "My Dark Side."

A friend who owns a small, independent record label that specializes in horrorcore confirmed the site and the songs were McCroskey's. Andres Shrim, who owns Serial Killin Records in New Mexico, said others shouldn't judge McCroskey by what they see on his Web site or hear in his music.

Describing McCroskey as a "great kid," Shrim said he has known him for at least two years, and he last saw him Sept. 12 at an all-day music festival in South Gate, Mich.

"You would never, ever imagine that kid even being a suspect," Shrim said. "If he is found to be guilty, I would be 100 percent shocked."

Shrim said even though horrorcore focuses on murder and other morbid subjects, performers and fans shouldn't be labeled violent.

"People get the impression we're these twisted, sick individuals and we don't have hearts and we just want to talk about murder and the devil," said Shrim, who performs himself under the name SickTanicK. "But we just want to express that other side of life."

On his personal Web page, McCroskey posted videos and pictures of a grave where a cross and miniature American flags had been turned upside down.

"We defiled the grave, and then lightning struck seconds ago. I think we were being warned," he says in the video, laughing. In the photos, the gravestone identifies the person buried there as a Marine.

McCroskey's page shows that he last logged in on Friday. His status is listed as "out of town" and his mood "determined."

The owner of a small, independent record label that specializes in the horrorcore genre said others shouldn't judge McCroskey by what they see on his Web site or hear in his music. Andres Shrim, who owns Serial Killin Records in New Mexico and performs himself under the name SickTanicK, described McCroskey as a "great kid," articulate, smart and professional.

In Farmville, police cordoned off a one-block area around the home on First Street next to a Longwood athletic field with yellow tape. On Saturday, curious motorists slowly drove by to get a glimpse of the two-story gray house.

Residents sitting on their porches a block over said they saw officers in bulletproof vests and shotguns entering Kelley's home Friday afternoon. Most said they did not know her well.

Police had sent fliers to authorities elsewhere to help identify McCroskey, of Castro Valley, Calif., Stimpson said.

McCroskey showed identification when officers approached him, didn't resist and wasn't carrying any weapons with him, airport spokesman Troy Bell said.

State police were assisting in the investigation in Farmville, about 50 miles west of Richmond.

Longwood did not issue an alert after the bodies were discovered because it happened off campus, Caldwell said. She said the 4,500-student school and the small town were unaccustomed to such violence.

"Not only on campus, but even in Farmville — it just doesn't happen here," she said.

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Enigma - 09-20-2009

dude, i totally know SickTaniK lol. that guy's a douche. he told me that here in NM there is a juggalo hierarchy and people that have been down longer have to be respected by those that haven't been down as long as them. it's bullshit.

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Star - 09-20-2009

lol juggalo hierarchy

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Grimlin - 09-20-2009

Fry his fucking ass in the electric chair.....

Fuck em'....

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - N-Do - 09-21-2009

Enigma Wrote:dude, i totally know SickTaniK lol. that guy's a douche. he told me that here in NM there is a juggalo hierarchy and people that have been down longer have to be respected by those that haven't been down as long as them. it's bullshit.

Yeah I've never been a fan of SKR... but thats just hilarious, I remember thinking that when I was like 12-13 bajajajaja

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Enigma - 09-21-2009

i told him if that's what is required of a juggalo than they can shove it....that interaction is pretty much what made me decide to stop being an out and out juggalo. sure i listen to the music still, but i don't wear the crap or go to concerts cuz they're all retarded here.

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - sTr - 09-21-2009

they're pretty much retarded everywhere....

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - N-Do - 09-21-2009

Yeah... its not as bad as alot of people make it out to be in some places though.... like I heard the gathering would be alot worse then it actually was... Sure there were idiots there, but I actually talked to quite a few grown people there too and I was very pleased about that.

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Enigma - 09-22-2009

ICP and Hatchetmen have been banned in the schools out here cuz they are "gang related". it makes me laugh.

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - N-Do - 09-23-2009

well it dosent help that alot of juggalos are in gangs.... like me :)

[Image: GDNDRAW15.jpg]

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - sTr - 09-24-2009

the hardest gangbagers !'ve ever seen....

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Enigma - 09-24-2009

no....the schools consider Juggalos to be a band of their own. and, yeah...being in a gang is totally something to be proud of.

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - N-Do - 09-24-2009

Enigma Wrote:no....the schools consider Juggalos to be a band of their own. and, yeah...being in a gang is totally something to be proud of.
lmao isnt it though?

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Enigma - 09-24-2009

being that sarcasm is hard to convey over it's not. "Gang bangers" (said with emphasis on the "gers") are all pathetic and need to get on with their lives. end of story.

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - sTr - 09-25-2009

as in fred berger's a gang banger....

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Slacker - 09-25-2009

i once fought a whole gang

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Paullehh - 09-25-2009

Slacker Wrote:i once fought a whole gang
You sure showed those 7 year old thugs not to be building tree houses in your hood

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Slacker - 09-25-2009


then i showed them ma p3n1s

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - sTr - 09-26-2009

Hang Loose - hang loose brotha

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - N-Do - 09-26-2009

Slacker Wrote:word

then i showed them ma p3n1s

bajaj show em how a real man does it.

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Paullehh - 09-28-2009

Fuck, i used to speak to this cunt online.
He went by the name "lildemondog"

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - sTr - 09-29-2009

sounds like a fag to me.... nice screen name fun boy...

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Stoopid Dog - 09-29-2009

N-Do Wrote:well it dosent help that alot of juggalos are in gangs.... like me :)

[Image: GDNDRAW15.jpg]

Dude, no, just no. Your not a "Gangster Disciple". You'll never be a "Gangster Disciple".

Its a gang for BLACK people.

Next its niggers joining the KKK.


Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Stoopid Dog - 09-29-2009


You're just a brick, nothing more nothing less.

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - N-Do - 09-29-2009

lol GD's aint the only ones that throw the forks, i aint a gd. not that it matters i am just a brick.

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Star - 09-29-2009

bajaja, gangsters, real or fake, are fucking ridiculous

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - sTr - 09-30-2009

does this also apply to "gangstas"?

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Slacker - 09-30-2009


Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - sTr - 09-30-2009

!'ll take that as a no then....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - sTr - 09-30-2009

!'ll take that as a no then....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Enigma - 09-30-2009

not if they're original.

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - sTr - 10-01-2009

OG's FTW... niggels what!

Re: Syko Sam from SKR is a real killer?! - Grimlin - 10-01-2009
