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Where the hell - Printable Version

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Where the hell - TheB6Bitch - 09-18-2009

have i been ??

sorry guys 3 jobs and school is kickin my ass but imma try to be here as much as possable

I love all you bitches!!!

email me or txt or call me sometime too :)

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mike could call and sing to me agian that would be awsome lol

Re: Where the hell - sTr - 09-18-2009

bajaj, you come around enough for us to love ya still... we know you'll be here in full effect when the shit isn't hitting fans so much...

Re: Where the hell - Grimlin - 09-18-2009

As long as i could remember she kept herself busy.I seriously think if things got boring and nothing to do she would go crazy.


Re: Where the hell - Slacker - 09-18-2009


Re: Where the hell - Enigma - 09-19-2009

-sends text message

Re: Where the hell - TheB6Bitch - 09-20-2009

i got no txt message from you what the hell.......

Re: Where the hell - Star - 09-21-2009

hi melissa

Re: Where the hell - Enigma - 09-21-2009

i was wonderin what happened cuz you never responded. i felt so unloved!

Re: Where the hell - Enigma - 09-21-2009

Enigma Wrote:i was wonderin what happened cuz you never responded. i felt so unloved!
bajaj @ i had an 8 instead of a we know what the problem was. bajaj! hopefully the other number isn't someone with a jealous boyfriend or girlfriend cuz the text reads "sup sexy?" lol

Re: Where the hell - sTr - 09-21-2009

you just got some guy yelled at for x amount of time, plus endless non-trust...

Re: Where the hell - Star - 09-21-2009 should at least text the original number back and say sorry, just in case ,you don't want to break up an expecting couple or something

Re: Where the hell - sTr - 09-21-2009

fuck that, text "thanks for the lay" and see if you get a response then....

Re: Where the hell - TheB6Bitch - 09-21-2009

i got it this time bajaja at someone getting yelled at i use to send random txts to numbers i didnt know like taht all the time

Re: Where the hell - Toxic Love - 09-22-2009

Why are you working 3 jobs? Are they all part-time? I went INSANE working a full time job with 2 part time jobs and class full time. Oh... and then I had 2 part-time jobs, full-time school, AND an internship. That was fun.