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Don't drink the water - Printable Version

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Don't drink the water - Grimlin - 09-17-2009

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Quote:WASHINGTON - Government scientists figure that one out of five male black bass in American river basins have egg cells growing inside their sexual organs, a sign of how widespread fish feminizing has become.

The findings come from the U.S. Geological Survey in its first comprehensive examination of intersex fish in America, a problem linked to women's birth control pills and other hormone treatments that seep into rivers. Sporadic reports of feminized fish have been reported for a few years.

The agency looked at past data from nine river basins, which cover about two-thirds of the United States — and found that about 6 percent of the nearly 1,500 male fish had a bit of female in them. The study looked at 16 different species, with most not affected.

The fish most feminized are two of the most sought-after freshwater sport fish: the largemouth and smallmouth, which are part of the black bass family. Those two species also were the most examined, with nearly 500 black bass tallied.

"It's widespread," said USGS biologist Jo Ellen Hinck. She is the lead author of the study, published online this month in Aquatic Toxicology. She said 44 percent of the sites where black bass were tested had at least one male with egg cells growing inside.

Past studies have linked the problem to endocrine-disrupting hormones, such as estrogen from women's medicines. While the fish still can reproduce, studies have shown they do not reproduce as well, Hinck said.

Intersex fish also are seen as a general warning about what some experts see as a wider problem of endocrine disruptors in the environment.

The egg cells growing in the male fish's gonads can be seen only with a microscope after the fish has been caught and dissected.

Re: Don't drink the water - Paullehh - 09-17-2009

This explains the gay fish.

Re: Don't drink the water - Grimlin - 09-17-2009

It also explains Ms.Felony's dress fetish....

Re: Don't drink the water - N-Do - 09-17-2009

Glad I dont drink my tap water here anyway. its fucking disgusting.

It is bullshit though to have to goto the store and fill up gallon jugs of something i should be able to get from my sink.

Re: Don't drink the water - sTr - 09-17-2009

water filters and bottled water FTW!

Re: Don't drink the water - N-Do - 09-17-2009

lol my water is so bad even after filtration it tastes like shit.

it comes out white if that says anything, let it sit a min and it turns clear.

Re: Don't drink the water - sTr - 09-17-2009

that's peobably because there's still soap in teh glass....

Re: Don't drink the water - N-Do - 09-17-2009

and in my dogs water bowl too??

Re: Don't drink the water - Paullehh - 09-17-2009

My water comes from here.
[Image: 2b2yy1.jpg]

Re: Don't drink the water - N-Do - 09-17-2009

that shit looks so good i can smell it.

Re: Don't drink the water - Toxic Love - 09-18-2009

I've stopped drinking tap water 10 years ago. Living in a shitty part of NJ at the time, the water smelled like chlorine when it came out of the faucet. It was awful. It would come out white from all the additives and after sitting, it cleared up. But the smell of chlorine? No thank you! We have water coolers in the house now, so we use that for everything from a glass of water to cooking. Our dogs even get a bottle that we would put in the water cooler since they have an automatic watering bowl (like a water cooler kind of).

The water here isn't too bad, but I still don't trust tap water enough to drink it. Too much shit is put in it to make it "safe" that I feel it's too much to make it not safe!

Re: Don't drink the water - Paullehh - 09-18-2009

Water coming out white then clearing is just a result of water pressure and the white is lots of tiny air bubbles compact because of the pressure.
It's nothing to be concerned about.
The smell of chlorine though... i see why you wouldn't drink it.

Re: Don't drink the water - sTr - 09-19-2009

fuck water, drink beer...

Re: Don't drink the water - N-Do - 09-19-2009

sTr Wrote:fuck water, drink beer...

Done and done.

Re: Don't drink the water - Paullehh - 09-19-2009

Fuck beer, drink buckfast

Re: Don't drink the water - Paullehh - 09-19-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Fuck beer, drink buckfast

Bajaj @ old ass picture

[Image: 1zd3ts1.jpg]

Re: Don't drink the water - sTr - 09-20-2009

word, ! still need to get some... they won't let you ship alcohol apparently, which is pretty gay...

Re: Don't drink the water - Paullehh - 09-20-2009

sTr Wrote:word, ! still need to get some... they won't let you ship alcohol apparently, which is pretty gay...
You could try a online drinks store and see if they can get you a bottle...
Get at least 2 bottles and blow your noggin off.