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President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Printable Version

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President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - dirtymonkey22 - 09-16-2009

hahahahah thats some funny shit

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - sTr - 09-16-2009

! would have called him a nigger

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Paullehh - 09-16-2009

Nigger would have been epic but "Jackass" is still funny.

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - N-Do - 09-16-2009

or both... well maybe switch jackass to stupid followed by nigger

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Enigma - 09-16-2009

that was awesome. I like Obama because he's a regular guy that's in the white house. he's not some yuppie asshole with a stick shoved up his fun hole. He's laid back and not upitty. he doesn't seem to think he's better than anybody cuz he's the President. Not to mention, unlike our last President, his sentence structure actually makes sense.

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Grimlin - 09-16-2009

I think our president has more to worry about than some award show and who was interrupted.

George Bush Jr. wasn't that uptight....That honky was hilarious.Dumb at times,but fucking hilarious.....

What do you think about Obama dipping his dirty hands in Social Security funds?The same funds that George Bush passed a bill saying nobody should touch it.That stupid nigger is handing out money like candy at a parade.We are now deeper in debt than we were when the republicans held office.

Obama wants everything run by government.....Can anybody say socialist?

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Enigma - 09-16-2009

i'll tell you right now, i'm down for gov't run health care. i think that health care should be like Paulehhh and Slacker have it....i think everyone deserves it. i haven't had health care for as long as i can remember. i have bills from urgent care that i can't pay. my daughter doesn't have health care right now and i can't afford to get it. what if something were to happen to her? what if something were to happen to me? i'd lose everything trying to pay the hospital bills. and i don't have much to lose as it is.

if we're farther in debt now than when bush was in the house, that's to be expected. to fix a fucked up economy, you've got to spend money. things are always worse before they get better. the man's been president for 8 months and you think everything's going to magically change?? give him some time to get his policies approved and in practice and i'm positive everything will start looking up for once.

look at what happened during Clinton's administration. Bush Sr had us in debt and Clinton fixed that as well. but it wasn't right off the get-go. he had to work at it. i have faith that Obama will follow through with his word and get things back in the black.

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - sTr - 09-16-2009

it's fine to give people free health care sure, but they want to make it so we have to buy it, and that's fucked up. they want it like auto insurance is, and if you don't have it you get a fine like auto insurance. ! think everyone will agree, they over charge on auto insurance, just like they will on health insurance just because they know you are obligated to have it, and really, ! shouldn't be obligated to do shit.

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Grimlin - 09-16-2009

Government run health care is not the best option.Your doctor choices are going to be poor...Just ask Canada what they think about it.All the good doctors are leaving.So now you choice is limited.

I'm sorry,But i lost my hearing because my choice was limited dued to funds and being poor.I had a shitty doctor with no choice.I wouldn't wish anybody who had the same problem i did.

Get a better job and make something of yourself and then get a good doctor....That's what America is all about..being able to make choices.Who the fuck wants the government deciding what,where and who we see? You never hear this side of the story....It's more of the poorer people griping about it,because they are too fucking lazy to get off their asses.

I knew you were going to go there with Clinton fixed everything,fact is...he didn't...he just passed a lot of republican's ideas.Because i specially remember the house still being majority of republicans. It wasn't like that with Bush.... ;)

I'll give him 4 years.....but right now....he needs to keep his hands out of money that's not to be touched.That's all I'm saying...Bush made those and frankly,i agree with them....otherwise there isn't going to be anything for me or you to retire off of.

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - N-Do - 09-16-2009

sTr Wrote:! think everyone will agree, they over charge on auto insurance

I agree with everything except that statement, but theres many different factors to it.... not that that had anything to do with anything. anywho lets not even mention all the private parties the mother fucker has had in these first months, ill give him time but i dont see him comming through at all.

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Paullehh - 09-16-2009

Grimlin Wrote:Government run health care is not the best option.Your doctor choices are going to be poor...Just ask Canada what they think about it.All the good doctors are leaving.So now you choice is limited.

I'm sorry,But i lost my hearing because my choice was limited dued to funds and being poor.I had a shitty doctor with no choice.I wouldn't wish anybody who had the same problem i did.

Get a better job and make something of yourself and then get a good doctor....That's what America is all about..being able to make choices.Who the fuck wants the government deciding what,where and who we see? You never hear this side of the story....It's more of the poorer people griping about it,because they are too fucking lazy to get off their asses.

I knew you were going to go there with Clinton fixed everything,fact is...he didn't...he just passed a lot of republican's ideas.Because i specially remember the house still being majority of republicans. It wasn't like that with Bush.... ;)

I'll give him 4 years.....but right now....he needs to keep his hands out of money that's not to be touched.That's all I'm saying...Bush made those and frankly,i agree with them....otherwise there isn't going to be anything for me or you to retire off of.

We have government run health care and it seems to work pretty well.
Doctor choice? you have Doctors that can't do the job over there?

Having this kind of health care system will not stop private health care firms offering payed for services like you have now, just it's your option to use it if you want.
Stupid to say it would be anything but a improvement over the terrible health system you have in place right now.

There are several medical groups over here that run hospitals you can have treat you privately should you not wish to use the NHS.

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Enigma - 09-16-2009

I'm totally down for the gov't run health care. I really hope it gets passed. Not gonna sit here and argue the points, cuz we all have our opinions and no one's gonna change theirs. I'm just stating mine.

There may be a few bugs with a gov't run health care, at first, but that's to be expected from all new organizations and practices. If the gov't takes a hint from the UK, things should run smoothly.

and it's not a matter of whether I need a better job or not. I work for the public school system. it's a damned good job. i'm just having money issues and need to sign up for benefits from my job.

but i've been thinking about quitting my job, applying for gov't assitance to take care of me and my daughter while i go to school to start a career instead of just having a job where i'm forced to live paycheck to paycheck.

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Grimlin - 09-16-2009

We have some of the highest and best doctors in the world....which in turn sets our prices.Makes us some expensive to afford. We also have some crappy ones unfortunately.

There are other options of health care out there for people who cannot afford it.People just don't look.My kid is under that program...till i can find a job and put him back on something better.

If people can't afford health care here are they going to afford government issued? Nothing comes for free....people don't realize this. That's all I'm saying.

Supposedly if i want a private insurance,is that going to let me not have to pay taxes on the government issued one?

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Paullehh - 09-16-2009

Nah, you would still pay tax on the gov one, they have been brilliant with me and my list of broken bones though and i have never even thought about private health care though i got it with my last job for free..

Most all our doctors are fine and if you have concerns you have the right to ask for another doctor.
You can choose whatever doctor you want as a GP.

I think it would be a good move for America, we all fear change from what we know though and are skeptical.
I once seen a American tourist in A&E who had broken his arm, He came out with his cast on and started handing over his credit card to the receptionist asking "how much do i owe ya?"
When he was assured it was completely free he was all "God bless you people, this is the most wonderfull country in the world" and "It's just a shame they sat you right next door to those English faggots"

I may or may not have made the second quote up...

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Grimlin - 09-16-2009

I guess I'm skeptical about paying somebody else doctor bill.

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Enigma - 09-16-2009

Paullehh Wrote:When he was assured it was completely free he was all "God bless you people, this is the most wonderfull country in the world" and "It's just a shame they sat you right next door to those English faggots"

I may or may not have made the second quote up...
bajajtastic! Scotland's still got a sore spot for the English, I see. :) :) :) Any relation to old William?

Was he really like the movie portrayed him to be??? All bad ass and vindictive and up in the English's face?

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Paullehh - 09-16-2009

William Wallace was far more badass than he was depicted to be in that movie.
They had to tame it down alot or it would have been banned.

It's not just us who hate the English though mostly in a political sense, personal is just a joke (or is it?)
The Irish like to Blow them up when they can.

Put it this way..if Canada started calling the shots in your country and taking alot of it's revenue and resources then how would you feel about them..

Not so many people know this but there is a serious shortage of Water in England and they NEED to get it from us to carry on and also OIL and Gas are mostly off the Scottish shores.
We have a small population in comparison to England so sharing out the wealth to cover problems in England is a expensive business where money from Scotland could do more in our smaller easier to manage country.

Also a little known fact is Black people originate from England and not Africa.
Also gays...
Aids too, the Monkeys are innocent..

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Alyzzia - 09-16-2009

*Steps up on the soapbox*

I have actually come up with a way to fix our healthcare problems, but who the hell is going to listen to a 28 year old woman out of nowhere?

One of the biggest problems with healthcare is the direct costs related to it. I understand that doctors have to go to school for a long time in order to receive the kind of pay that they get, but here is what I propose:

Let there be general practitioners that only have to go to school for 3 years and make about $20 an hour. These doctors can handle everyday B.S. and so many people would utilize the service that there would be a great demand for it as well as people going to school because it won't take 8 years. These doctors are limited to taking care of general problems such as flu shots, giving out antibiotics, and lower grade medications that your normal family doctor passes on to you.

Now specialists do earn their money by specializing in a field, so they can still charge a premium of like $100 per patient. This is a little easier to come up with than the 1,000 or so that they charge now, and they can go to school for 2 years less clocking in at 6 years. Keep in mind the classes that will be cut would be useless things that have no relation to healthcare.

Prescriptions are able to be handed out by the doctors on the low grade end. This will keep costs even across the board. Specialty medicines may cost more, but there should be a cap on what can be charged.

I know it is not a perfect plan, but we need to work on costs more than anything, and make it easier for everyone to go to the doctor. At $20 to see a general doctor it would not be that hard to come up with the money and like another $5 for scripts.

I know that the pharmecutical companies would never allow this because they have such a large say as to what goes on in our country via lobbying, but just a thought.

The biggest issue that needs to be solved is not insurance, but the total cost of healthcare.

*Steps down from soapbox*

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Paullehh - 09-16-2009

Take into account alot of expensive medicines cost next to nothing to produce.
Perhaps a standards agency should put a foot down on this greed.

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - sTr - 09-16-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Take into account alot of expensive medicines cost next to nothing to produce.
Perhaps a standards agency should put a foot down on this greed.

that's my point, we shouldn't have to go broke getting medicine, making us get insurance doesn't fix the problem, regulating prices fixes the problem.

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - N-Do - 09-16-2009

i dont know what RX's fall into this category but i know the enemy of america (Wal-Mart) sells alot of RX's for $5

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Paullehh - 09-16-2009

Obama should totally tell those pharmaceutical companys...

[Image: 23r5o5t.jpg]

Yes my new fave pic i used it twice Happy
We need a Obama jackass emoticon.

[Image: happy.gif][Image: jra8hj.gif]

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - N-Do - 09-16-2009


Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - sTr - 09-16-2009

Dude, !'m totally on it....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Clizownmothafackoz17 - 09-16-2009

We pay more than anyone else in the world and we get shitty service in this country. Public, universal healthcare is the only option. Not only is it infinitely less evil, it's actually much cheaper as well. With for-profit healthcare you get the least possible service for the highest possible price. That's just market economics. These are private companies looking for profit, if need be, at the expense of your life. In the United States 50 percent of healthcare spending is "eaten up by waste, excessive prices and fraud." I'm not saying public healthcare is perfect. But these companies are made up of soulless criminals. And countries who have universal, public health coverage have better services, more humane treatment and much lower costs.
It's not going to happen, by the way. The Democrats are just as much in debt as the Republicans to private health care companies for giving them the money they needed to get elected. Neither of the corporate parties will make any change that would truly challenge the monolithic power of these companies.

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - sTr - 09-17-2009

here's the vid of the shiz if anyone cares....

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Toxic Love - 09-17-2009

Kanye's next outburst:


Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Alyzzia - 09-17-2009

Toxic Love Wrote:Kanye's next outburst:


Hahahaha, no doubt.

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - sTr - 09-19-2009

Kanye's next outburst should be suicide...

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - Insanecowposse - 09-21-2009

i could make it look like a suicide.........

Re: President Obama Calls Kanye West A Jackass! (audio)bajaj - sTr - 09-22-2009

you should make it look like rape....