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boondock saints 2 trailer - Printable Version

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boondock saints 2 trailer - dirtymonkey22 - 09-02-2009

and fuck you if you dont like the movie

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - Ms Felony - 09-02-2009

[Image: yippeanotherlamethread.gif]

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - Paullehh - 09-02-2009

Boondock saints is worth a thread..
- does a mean irish accent

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - Ms Felony - 09-02-2009

the first one was actually pretty good, whats this one like?

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - Paullehh - 09-02-2009

Looks like it should never have been made from the trailer...
Looks like a typical hollywood flick now.
Still awsome kick ass action though.

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - sTr - 09-03-2009

! suppose !'ll have to watch the first one before the sequel comes out...

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - dirtymonkey22 - 09-03-2009

what are you waiting for

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - XIII - 09-03-2009

What do people actually like about this movie? I ask this and never get a straight answer.

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - Slacker - 09-03-2009


Billy Connolly is cool, but even his accent is poor

also, it gets some points for having someone die by toilet and a cat getting fucking pwnd

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - sTr - 09-03-2009

oh snap, how come nobody told me billy connolly was in it...

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - Paullehh - 09-03-2009

XIII Wrote:What do people actually like about this movie? I ask this and never get a straight answer.
I just like movies with insane ass kicking.

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - dirtymonkey22 - 09-04-2009

Why is it when people dont like the movie there complete douch bags about it and act like there shit dont stick and only there opinon matters.

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - XIII - 09-04-2009

dirtymonkey22 Wrote:Why is it when people dont like the movie there complete douch bags about it and act like there shit dont stick and only there opinon matters.
I thought I cleaned it up rather nicely. Only one being a douche bag is you. AND you said "If you don't like it, fuck you." So, you're basically saying only your opinion matters.

So, I mean, if you can't take it, don't attempt to dish it out, you whiney pussy.

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - Slacker - 09-04-2009


Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - dirtymonkey22 - 09-04-2009

hey i wine like a pro aand i love you too (extra homo)

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - XIII - 09-04-2009

dirtymonkey22 Wrote:hey i wine like a pro aand i love you too (extra homo)

Seriously though, I'm being honest about this movie. Like, people talked it up, said it was amazing and all that. I was like, "Alright, lemme rent that shit and check it out." And it was pretty weak. All the performances were forced. Even the best actor on the roster had a pretty bland performance. The action was just so eh, for lack of better words.

And the main characters, the ones I'm supposed to care about, were just not likable at all. They were too corny to be respected. And it wasn't one of those, "Well, it's supposed to be corny" things like Crank, or something. No, they were corny.

I ask people why they like it, and they're just like, "It's badass," and things like that. I'm like... really? That's badass?

It was just so goofy. And this sequel looks like it takes all the bad things and amplifies them, and takes all the promising things and throws them away.

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - dirtymonkey22 - 09-05-2009

its just one of those movies that people love or hate with nothing in the middle i liked the dialoge the sarcasem between the charaters defoe giving the cops a hard time rocko shooting the cat, the rope no its not emmey award winning shit
but the movie is fun

and as for the sequel the writer said it himself its was made for the fans what you thought suck in the movie other people love so i guess u dont have to see it

Re: boondock saints 2 trailer - Paullehh - 09-05-2009

It's ok larry we all know XIII likes his movies in the following styles...

[Image: 348k5zs.jpg]

[Image: 10xuhix.jpg]

And let's not forget...
[Image: 54145.png]