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NEW batman video game is the shit - Printable Version

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NEW batman video game is the shit - dirtymonkey22 - 08-30-2009

arkem asylem is the shit ive been playing for 3 days and only 25% threw so far i fought bane,scarecrow, been fucked with by harly killer croc sez hes going to eat me and hes fucking huge ivey is just got loose and there are riddels threw the game that you find and sweet gadgets

and they got mark hamill to do joker again and kevin conroy to be batman again from thr batman tams

Re: NEW batman video game is the shit - sTr - 08-30-2009

! wanna check this one out... it's next on my list after !'m done with the games ! got on tap now...

Re: NEW batman video game is the shit - Paullehh - 08-30-2009

I played the demo it was fun, waiting on the pc release.
It was delayed till next month boo hiss
But it does have loads of extras like destructable stuff and other physx shit so will be worth the wait.

Re: NEW batman video game is the shit - Slacker - 08-30-2009

rented it on friday, beat it on saturday morning

its total pwnage...couldnt stop playing

Re: NEW batman video game is the shit - sTr - 08-31-2009

! don't like the way batman looks in the game, and ! heard you can't jump, wtf?!

Re: NEW batman video game is the shit - Paullehh - 08-31-2009

Yeh you can't jump around, i thought that sucked too.

Re: NEW batman video game is the shit - XIII - 08-31-2009

It's kinda like Assassin's Creed as far as jumping/climbing goes.

I'm just glad they didn't bitch out Scarecrow, who is my 2nd favorite Batman villain.

Re: NEW batman video game is the shit - dirtymonkey22 - 09-01-2009

you evade jump and you get all sorts of cool gadgets i just beat it the jocker is fucking brutel and fuck yeah on scarecrow his parts of the game were creepy as hell

Re: NEW batman video game is the shit - sTr - 09-02-2009

* plays mario *