Board 6
Would you hit it? - Printable Version

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Would you hit it? - Paullehh - 08-23-2009

Having given this some thought i just can't rule out the possibility that i may haha
Felonys insperation.

Re: Would you hit it? - Insanecowposse - 08-23-2009

Trapped in the wrong body is like saying GOd made a mistake. I think they are just friggin mental. Yes I would hit it <but i would never tell anyone about it> How did this spoiled brat get a sex change? Thats not cheap.
Poor kid I was a boy and i wanted to dress like a girl but they wouldn't let me. The world has gotten this bad that its weird to not be able to be the other sex?

Re: Would you hit it? - Ms Felony - 08-23-2009

thats if a god exists?
oh bloody hell, scratch that....not getting into this bullshit again.

Re: Would you hit it? - SciRob - 08-24-2009

Lol. Probably a smart move Paul. And I'd probably hit it. She is all female now.

Re: Would you hit it? - sTr - 08-25-2009

like the old saying goes "if there's grass on the field, play ball!", it kinda relates, shit you can still drive a hole in one, ya dig...

Re: Would you hit it? - canttouchthis80 - 08-25-2009

so if by some magic u had the abily to fuck a dude that in your mind looks like a chick but u still knows a dude would u do it

Re: Would you hit it? - N-Do - 08-25-2009

Yes.... Twice.

Re: Would you hit it? - canttouchthis80 - 08-25-2009

would u fuck a man if he still had a penis but looked like a girl

Re: Would you hit it? - sTr - 08-25-2009

here's a better questions, would you fuck a man that looked like a man but had a vag?

Re: Would you hit it? - canttouchthis80 - 08-25-2009

no cause that would make him a ugly tranei

Re: Would you hit it? - sTr - 08-25-2009

you sure?

[Image: f_21_57067.jpg]

Re: Would you hit it? - Paullehh - 08-25-2009

So turned on right now.

Re: Would you hit it? - canttouchthis80 - 08-25-2009

nope think i just spammed your email about 1000 of the pictures but thats not my problem

Re: Would you hit it? - sTr - 08-26-2009

damn, the e-mails weren't there, ! was hoping to have a 1000 extra fap pics...

Re: Would you hit it? - Paullehh - 08-26-2009

I never got any either :(

Re: Would you hit it? - psychopathic penguin - 08-26-2009

makes me wonder how many smokin hot chicks in scottsdale have bigger peckers then me

Re: Would you hit it? - Ms Felony - 08-26-2009

The man with the smallest penis in the universe has a bigger one than you do.

Re: Would you hit it? - psychopathic penguin - 08-26-2009

harsh but true fact

Re: Would you hit it? - sTr - 08-26-2009

! rather have the smallest dick rather then the most blown out vag....

Re: Would you hit it? - psychopathic penguin - 08-26-2009

another harsh but true fact

Re: Would you hit it? - canttouchthis80 - 08-26-2009

i wonder if theres a girl out there like goatse but with sup wide vag

Re: Would you hit it? - sTr - 08-26-2009

! seen a dude stick his whole head in a vag once....

Re: Would you hit it? - canttouchthis80 - 08-26-2009

pics are demanded

Re: Would you hit it? - Slacker - 08-26-2009


Re: Would you hit it? - canttouchthis80 - 08-26-2009

i have nothing to say to that

Re: Would you hit it? - sTr - 08-26-2009

my man, that was just the scene ! was thinking of....

Re: Would you hit it? - Paullehh - 08-26-2009

Bajaj that video was so fake.
Her stick on pussy was halfway down her thigh.

Re: Would you hit it? - sTr - 08-26-2009

or his head was all the way up that fat pussie'd bitches pussy...

Re: Would you hit it? - Paullehh - 08-26-2009

I calll shenanagins.

Re: Would you hit it? - Slacker - 08-26-2009

word @ "fat pussie'd"

Re: Would you hit it? - canttouchthis80 - 08-26-2009

its nt at its just massive

Re: Would you hit it? - Slacker - 08-26-2009


Re: Would you hit it? - sTr - 08-26-2009

my guess

canttouchthis80 Wrote:its not fat, its just massive

Re: Would you hit it? - Paullehh - 08-26-2009

Who knows.
Need to brush up on my gibberish or get him to post in English.

Re: Would you hit it? - Slacker - 08-26-2009

leaving out random letters ftw