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holy shit they killed him - Printable Version

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holy shit they killed him - dirtymonkey22 - 08-21-2009

just give it a couple mins dude gets fucked up

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Re: holy shit they killed him - sTr - 08-21-2009


Re: holy shit they killed him - Grimlin - 08-21-2009

Messed up.....Nobody was charged with the murder.

Re: holy shit they killed him - Insanecowposse - 08-21-2009

The guy ok you win basically and the guy didn't stop.

Re: holy shit they killed him - Paullehh - 08-21-2009

That's pretty fucked up.

Re: holy shit they killed him - XIII - 08-21-2009

This is why black people shouldn't be educated.

What is their fascination with kicking people while they're down?

Also, Marine Corps. dropouts are the worst people. I'm reading the description next to the video, and like... the guy is proud of himself. "He stole from people! Don't fuck with the Corps!"

Yeah, you murdered him. Which is the bigger crime? This is why I'm glad the US military is failing so badly. They need to know they're not superhuman.

Re: holy shit they killed him - sTr - 08-21-2009

! agree with the above, ! think the superhuman stigma is bullshit, the govt is good at brainwashing, especially when they are pumping these fools with all sorts of drugs to feel that way....

Re: holy shit they killed him - Ms Felony - 08-21-2009

the guy had it coming really, saying that he'd been taught the ways by jesus, but the last 20 seconds was harsh, the guy should've stopped really and just tossed him into the street.

Re: holy shit they killed him - XIII - 08-21-2009

He had an asskicking coming. Not a brutal murder. The fact that the guy kicked his head when he was already unconscious shows what a pathetic coward he is. The fact that he chose to fight rather than call the authorities shows what an idiot he is.

Re: holy shit they killed him - Ms Felony - 08-21-2009

I actually agree, but thats video evidence right there.
If the police don't do anything about it then It's bollox

Re: holy shit they killed him - Grimlin - 08-21-2009

XIII Wrote:He had an asskicking coming. Not a brutal murder. The fact that the guy kicked his head when he was already unconscious shows what a pathetic coward he is. The fact that he chose to fight rather than call the authorities shows what an idiot he is.

I agree...

Re: holy shit they killed him - NEKESTRO - 08-21-2009

what a worthless pussy fuck...dude should be murked.

Re: holy shit they killed him - XIII - 08-21-2009

Hey guys, I"m a marine... let me beat homeless, mentally challenged people to death. Semper fi!

Call me a hero! *points gun in your face* I'm a hero! Say it!

^ and that's the American military in a nutshell.

Oh, right... almost forgot, "HOOAAAAH!" or... "KABLAHHH!" or "HURRRRR" whatever the fuck they yell.

Re: holy shit they killed him - Insanecowposse - 08-21-2009

Thats not every american military member it really isn't but its what they want us to be train us to be. After all they are promoting and "ARMY OF ONE" THey want us to be killing machines but you have to be able to turn it off.

Re: holy shit they killed him - Star - 08-21-2009

I don't even want to watch it because it makes me sick, knowing what happened.

Re: holy shit they killed him - sTr - 08-21-2009

no vid, just article, but still fucked up...

Re: holy shit they killed him - Grimlin - 08-21-2009

sTr Wrote:no vid, just article, but still fucked up...

The video is under the article.

Re: holy shit they killed him - sTr - 08-21-2009

oh snap...


Re: holy shit they killed him - Enigma - 08-22-2009

that's totally fucked up. don't watch it, Star.

Re: holy shit they killed him - sTr - 08-23-2009

! still haven't watched it, but !'m gonna have to check it out for sure now....

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Re: holy shit they killed him - Juggalos_R_US - 08-23-2009

That shit was crazy wondering how they got by with that!!!

Re: holy shit they killed him - Insanecowposse - 08-23-2009

I hope i see this on cold case files one day with both those idiots put away for life. The video is so fucked up it makes me wanna throw up or cry seroiusly that a human being to beat him to death and drag him into a dumpster while he is gasping for air thru his own blood what the fuck. And the fact that they seemed proud of what they had done maocking him as he was dying.