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the douchebag deleted my avatar - Printable Version

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the douchebag deleted my avatar - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

yeah when he was trying to make his bro look bad by saying something on mine and his account he went ahead and deleted my cowman avatar and so this is what you get a bag of goatse.

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - sTr - 08-18-2009

[Image: 29115%5Bekm%5D150x200%5Bekm%5D.jpg]

he must have just did it, because it was still cow for me until ! read this post...

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009


Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - dirtymonkey22 - 08-18-2009

sometimes the avatars just dont show up CP but to late now

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - sTr - 08-18-2009

he had goatse in a bag for av...

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - dirtymonkey22 - 08-18-2009

i do love the new one more

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

It was supposed to be my trade for nudes of STR in an earlier post but i never got the nudes I feel so used....
Hold me larry. <no homo>

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Paullehh - 08-18-2009


Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

OY <no jew>

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Star - 08-18-2009

it irritates me that right clicking where it says "Image" and choosing "Show image" no longer makes the images show. It's even more broken than it used to be :(

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

I thought it was gone cus it was showing up everyday until then

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - sTr - 08-18-2009

! Have still yet to see this happen...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Enigma - 08-18-2009

i do like the new av. it makes me giggle. also disturbs me a bit. :)

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - sTr - 08-18-2009

word, it kinda makes me ralph in my mouth a bit, even the real goatse doesn't do that....

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Star - 08-18-2009

i've been feeling queasy for the past couple days. i just blocked insanecowposse's avatar because it was making me sick. i can't tell if it's raw beef or beets or what. and calling cowposse cp gets my hopes up for the real cp.

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Enigma - 08-18-2009

i know. cowposse should be called cow or posse but not cp. there is only one cp and he cannot be replaced by n00b trash.

no offense. kinda.

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Slacker - 08-18-2009

bajaj @ i saw someone post something to CP and scrolled through the thread looking for that aussie bastard before i realised what was going on

CowPosse is cool beans though

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Insanecowposse - 08-19-2009

Oh wow i need to change cus its too gross for B6 and my name is too close to ICP and I am noob trash do I have this all correctly? I try my best to post interesting things and be an active particpant. I tell pepople about b6 and try to get them to come here. I cannot ever be one of the original members unless i get a friggin time machine so i can't change the noob status but i can change the rraw me goatse pic. Thank you for your time and fuck you for your insults.

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - dirtymonkey22 - 08-19-2009

well still we might be b6 noobs but weve nown str way before b6 was around ive met his hot mom and chubby little sister and the other ones

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Insanecowposse - 08-19-2009

Hey no one called you a newb its my turn to feel neglected and ashamed.

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Ms Felony - 08-19-2009

I enjoy your posts cow posse, you are like sanity in insanity

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Insanecowposse - 08-19-2009

Thanks. I am sane and around people that are insane so sometimes i get that insane influence.

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - sTr - 08-19-2009

did larry's faggy bro change your av again, or did you pick this one out?

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Insanecowposse - 08-19-2009

no i picked this i gots a lactating fetish but shh don't tell anyone they might think i'm a freak or something

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - sTr - 08-19-2009

fuckin' freak... word, ! thought it was your style, good shit... !'m gonna make a new av and sig later ! think...

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Insanecowposse - 08-19-2009

8 huge nipples FTW!!!

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Lyeranceras - 08-19-2009


Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - sTr - 08-19-2009

so b6 just changed his avater to goatse in a bag? seems like a strange error to me

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Enigma - 08-19-2009

i never said i didn't like you. i just said i don't like you being called CP cuz we have our original and only CP.

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Ms Felony - 08-19-2009


fixed .

Re: the douchebag deleted my avatar - Paullehh - 08-19-2009

Maybe if he sees his name is being reclaimed he will get off his fat xbox playin ass and post some.