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Did you Know .... - Printable Version

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Did you Know .... - Lyeranceras - 08-17-2009

That Dirty Monkey Beats his wife and he thinks im Sick i have seen it with my own eyes and this happend before they were married. Now their married and she just fights back. Iv enev heard that he brags about kicking her ass.
What do you all think?

Re: Did you Know .... - Slacker - 08-17-2009

i think you need to stfu


Re: Did you Know .... - Paullehh - 08-17-2009

I think she prolly asked for it.
-Also thinks creating this thread was a douche move.

Re: Did you Know .... - sTr - 08-17-2009

! think if anything she probably beats him up, she's pretty scary...

Re: Did you Know .... - Insanecowposse - 08-17-2009

I know it was a douch move but it is also a responce to a post by Dirty.
And Rachel his Wife is a Mega BITCH!

Re: Did you Know .... - sTr - 08-17-2009

what post... word @ bitch....

Re: Did you Know .... - Paullehh - 08-17-2009

Bajaj @ you posting using CP's account.

Re: Did you Know .... - Grimlin - 08-17-2009

Lyeranceras Wrote:That Dirty Monkey Beats his wife and he thinks im Sick i have seen it with my own eyes and this happend before they were married. Now their married and she just fights back. Iv enev heard that he brags about kicking her ass.
What do you all think?


You could have gotten respect,replying in some of the threads in a mature fashion.Least spell correctly too man....shit you heading to college.That shit isn't going to fly there.

Seeing some of those you-tube videos of you,I don't think you know what "mature" even means.I feel bad for you once you get into college.I seriously hope you don't act like that in college like you do at home.That's a one way ticket to a shitty life.

Re: Did you Know .... - XIII - 08-17-2009

[Image: vito2.jpg]

Re: Did you Know .... - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

what an asshole posting under my account like hes going to fool anyone.

Re: Did you Know .... - dirtymonkey22 - 08-18-2009

Lyeranceras Wrote:and he thinks im Sick it?
yeah ive have fought with her

and you are sick everyone here has seen your vids they can tell somethings wrong with you. your just mad cuz cp wants to get away from your bullshit. i know so bad shits happend to you but you havent even tried to better your self. and dont even say your going to college all your taking is japanese so you can watch more cartoons go get the
rosseta stone fuck ill find a torrent for you
[Image: featuresetpecatalog.jpg]

Re: Did you Know .... - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

he has to go to college or he will stop getting his free money its a stipulation

Re: Did you Know .... - sTr - 08-18-2009

bajaj @ finding the torrent...

ps: if you do find the torrent, send me the spanish rosetta stone, ! wanna know what nigs is talkin about around here....

Re: Did you Know .... - Slacker - 08-18-2009


Re: Did you Know .... - sTr - 08-18-2009

-speaks fluent drunk, and that's about it...

Re: Did you Know .... - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

spoke spanish fluent when i was 17 and has forgotten a ton of it

Re: Did you Know .... - sTr - 08-18-2009

homo es da....

Re: Did you Know .... - Ms Felony - 08-18-2009


Re: Did you Know .... - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

Neccesita mas Goatse Por favor

Re: Did you Know .... - Slacker - 08-18-2009

Una cerveza, por favor

Re: Did you Know .... - Enigma - 08-18-2009

Slacker Wrote:Una cerveza, por favor
most important spanish phrase. only one anyone really needs to know.

Re: Did you Know .... - Star - 08-18-2009

i spoke fluent french, i don't know if i still could, because i haven't had a reason to use it in awhile. i can read most spanish, enough to get by around here, but i couldn't speak it

Re: Did you Know .... - Enigma - 08-18-2009

i live in New Mexico. we are flooded with dirty mexicans. i couldn't speak or read spanish to save my life. they can learn my damned language or gtfo of my country.

Re: Did you Know .... - sTr - 08-18-2009

word, for the most part !'m good, but in certain areas ! have no clue... ! had to stumble my way through a spanish atm the other day, it sucked because ! accidentally checked my balance instead of making a withdraw... fuckin $2 charge... bastids should have charged me pesos...

Re: Did you Know .... - Slacker - 08-18-2009

arrêtez-vous d'accord, colaborate et écoutez


Re: Did you Know .... - sTr - 08-19-2009

! tried to translate that last one and ! don't get it... what language is it?

Re: Did you Know .... - Paullehh - 08-19-2009

[Image: icelfi1104_468x762.jpg]

Re: Did you Know .... - Slacker - 08-19-2009

bajaj wooooooooord

Re: Did you Know .... - Star - 08-19-2009

french, stop, collaborate, and listen

Re: Did you Know .... - sTr - 08-20-2009

[Image: 508.jpg]
^ frech vanilla ice ^