Board 6
The Interesting Fact Game - Printable Version

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The Interesting Fact Game - Grant - 08-16-2009

For example, if I said "Celery", you might say something like "Norway consumes enough celery each year to fill the Pacific" (that' obviously not true - it's just to give you the idea). I'll name something dull, and you have to come up with an interesting fact about it. The person who does that chooses another subject.


Re: The Interesting Fact Game - Insanecowposse - 08-16-2009

Celery is the only food that actually has negative calories cus you use more calories to eat it than it has.

Re: The Interesting Fact Game - Enigma - 08-30-2009

boy this game went far.

Re: The Interesting Fact Game - sTr - 08-30-2009

bajaj Goatse Goatse Goatse Pimp Goatse