Board 6
i was gonna - Printable Version

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i was gonna - Enigma - 08-15-2009

own the board. but decided i was too damn lazy to do this is me, saying, the board is mine. cuz you're all losers and are not on when i am!!!!! XP Goatse Goatse Goatse Goatse Goatse Goatse Goatse Goatse Goatse

Re: i was gonna - Ms Felony - 08-15-2009

im on 24/7, well its tabbed in firefox so technically i am. Pimp

Re: i was gonna - Grant - 08-15-2009

ugh well i have better things to do than to be on 24/7 but i still try and get on though.
but you should own the board though.

Re: i was gonna - Ms Felony - 08-15-2009

it would be too easy....

Re: i was gonna - Grant - 08-15-2009

thats why i said do it lol

Re: i was gonna - sTr - 08-15-2009

!'m here all the time, hiding in the dark cracks of b6, waiting to pounce on all evil doers, and spam bots...

Re: i was gonna - Insanecowposse - 08-15-2009

you have to give yourself a superhero name Stephan. Like Super DicktitsNGoatse Man.

Re: i was gonna - Grimlin - 08-15-2009

Word @ lazy.

Re: i was gonna - sTr - 08-15-2009

My superhero name is stephan the retard....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: i was gonna - Insanecowposse - 08-15-2009


Re: i was gonna - Star - 08-16-2009

i check the board on weekends more than a lot of people do. my little brother spent the last two nights with us, though, and b6 isn't safe for 11 year-olds.

Re: i was gonna - Ms Felony - 08-16-2009

B6 isn't safe for adults let alone 11 year olds....

Re: i was gonna - Slacker - 08-16-2009

or gays

Re: i was gonna - sTr - 08-16-2009

or anyone for that matter....

Re: i was gonna - Slacker - 08-16-2009

[Image: 2mgrzlt.jpg]

Re: i was gonna - sTr - 08-16-2009

Baby furries FTL

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: i was gonna - Star - 08-16-2009

of course it was a juggalo

Re: i was gonna - tdot - 08-16-2009

i really wonder why adi knows where to get pictures like that

Re: i was gonna - Slacker - 08-17-2009

somethingawful has a whole thread of juggalo bashing right now

its pretty funny

Re: i was gonna - sTr - 08-17-2009

bajaj, nice... link?

Re: i was gonna - Slacker - 08-17-2009

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... id=3184624</a><!-- m -->

Re: i was gonna - Grimlin - 08-17-2009

Good find....