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Pay Pal isnt - Printable Version

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Pay Pal isnt - Grant - 08-13-2009

That great of a site!!! I cant put my credit card on it because i have a negitve balance on it WTF????????????? this is the part where im looking for a job first thing in the morning i dont give a shit if i work for burger king fliping burgers.... WTF????????????????????????

Re: Pay Pal isnt - Star - 08-13-2009

I don't understand what paypal has to do with getting a job, but yes, paypal does kind of suck.

Re: Pay Pal isnt - Grant - 08-13-2009

i have a negitive balance of like 100 bucks on my debit card and pay pal wont let me put my card in my account to pay it off!(i have like $200 from ebay) and i need a job anyways to get off my lazy ass

Re: Pay Pal isnt - Ms Felony - 08-13-2009

shouldnt the money from ebay go straight to your paypal account, it does mine, if you want the cash you have to trasnfer it to your bank account

Re: Pay Pal isnt - Grant - 08-13-2009

already did that. gotta wait 2-3 buisness days

Re: Pay Pal isnt - sTr - 08-14-2009

fuck business days, ! want 24/7 action biches....

Re: Pay Pal isnt - XIII - 08-14-2009


Re: Pay Pal isnt - sTr - 08-14-2009

! Wanna know how you get a negative balance in paypal, stop stiffin' peeps on ebay!

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Pay Pal isnt - Grant - 08-15-2009

i dont stiff ppl on ebay its the negitive 100 was on my debit card i had 200 dollars in pay pal money but had to wait like for 4 days wtf?????????

XIII get a life dude. what are you like a 13 year old kid trying to act cool on the internet???????
Forreal get a life, go out meet some chicks, and get laid for the first time in your boring ass life kid.
And btw i do work so fuck off kid

Re: Pay Pal isnt - Ms Felony - 08-15-2009

Grant Wrote:i dont stiff ppl on ebay its the negitive 100 was on my debit card i had 200 dollars in pay pal money but had to wait like for 4 days wtf?????????

XIII get a life dude. what are you like a 13 year old kid trying to act cool on the internet???????
Forreal get a life, go out meet some chicks, and get laid for the first time in your boring ass life kid.
And btw i do work so fuck off kid

you are starting to fucking annoy me, STFU and get a sense of humour.

Re: Pay Pal isnt - Grant - 08-15-2009

aww well fuck off then cause i have a sense of humor just little 13 year old kids on the internet trying to act cool annoy's me

Re: Pay Pal isnt - Ms Felony - 08-15-2009

picks up ban hammer, dont make me use serious, your acting like a dick so just chill out.

Re: Pay Pal isnt - XIII - 08-15-2009

Do it. This guy's annoying as fuck.

Kid kid kid kid kid. Please, dude. Who the fuck are you? Go back to the shithole forum that got raided, please.

Re: Pay Pal isnt - Grant - 08-15-2009

well stop acting like a fucking dumb ass 13 year old and act like a grown ass 24 year old

Re: Pay Pal isnt - XIII - 08-15-2009

Grant Wrote:well stop acting like a fucking dumb ass 13 year old and act like a grown ass 24 year old
Grow some balls and come back here when you're ready.

You provoked me by talking down to me. Don't poke the bear if you're not prepared.

Re: Pay Pal isnt - Grant - 08-15-2009

bjajaja this dude is now talking shit bjajaja lol epic shit lol dude get a life

Re: Pay Pal isnt - XIII - 08-15-2009

Grant Wrote:bjajaja this dude is now talking shit bjajaja lol epic shit lol dude get a life

Re: Pay Pal isnt - sTr - 08-15-2009

XIII has the right to talk shit, because that's what he does, and he does it good...

Re: Pay Pal isnt - XIII - 08-15-2009

He even spells "bajaj" wrong. He's like the guy in high school that wears slipknot shirts hoping someone will talk to him.

Re: Pay Pal isnt - Grant - 08-15-2009

uhh noo slipknot is kinda gay kinda like ICP.
but i have friends lol thats funny dumb ass ppl lol
And for the misspelling ive been spelling that way for 10 years.

Re: Pay Pal isnt - XIII - 08-15-2009

Grant Wrote:uhh noo slipknot is kinda gay kinda like ICP.
but i have friends lol thats funny dumb ass ppl lol
And for the misspelling ive been spelling that way for 10 years.
You've been posting on B6 for 10 years?

And are you calling your friends dumb ass ppl? We have a monumental moment, cuz I might agree with you.

Re: Pay Pal isnt - Ms Felony - 08-15-2009

If you can't learn to spell in that time then what hope do you really have?

Re: Pay Pal isnt - Grant - 08-15-2009

no ihave been posting here for like a week dumb ass.
and i was calling you a funny dumb ass kid.
AND I have been saying bjajaja since i was like 10

and for my spelling i type really fast so deal with it

Re: Pay Pal isnt - XIII - 08-15-2009

Grant Wrote:no ihave been posting here for like a week dumb ass.
and i was calling you a funny dumb ass kid.
AND I have been saying bjajaja since i was like 10

and for my spelling i type really fast so deal with it
DEAL with it? You think you found my achilles' heel? Oh no, bad spelling! I'm mellllting!

YOU are going to have to deal with nobody knowing what the fuck you're saying.