Board 6
How To Post Games - Printable Version

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How To Post Games - sTr - 08-13-2009

- Press the "Games" Button >

- it will post the following code >

- you need to do the following >
[Games =width,height]flash url.swf[/Games]

- this is my example >

[games =600,600][/games]

if you find a game you like, get the url that ends with swf... if it doesn't post the url usually you can type the games name in google along with swf and find the link. it is important to set the height and width or it shows up small... unless you guys decide 500 x 500 is good, because ! can make it so that is standard size, or whatever, let me know.....

Re: How To Post Games - Paullehh - 08-13-2009

Noice, this section should be "live games arcade" or something.

Re: How To Post Games - sTr - 08-13-2009

apparently you can't resize some games so they won't play, they will just show a white screen, for those you'll have to view the source of the page to find out if it doesn't list it....