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Depression - Grimlin - 08-12-2009

<----I has it. :(


Re: Depression - sTr - 08-12-2009

! Think it's all the michigan around you. It can really bring you down, be happy you a got a family going down and don't let shitty people and shitty surrounding bring you down. Feel better, it feels better.

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Re: Depression - Grimlin - 08-12-2009

Indeed,I've been falling asleep at 4pm and waking back up around 7pm. This never happens unless i've been up all day or sick.It's neither.It's been like this the past 3 days now.

I hate sleeping in the afternoon,I feel like i just wasted my life sleeping during the day.

Re: Depression - CranialEntropy - 08-12-2009

-Depressed a lot of the time too
However, I have the opposite syndrome where I can't sleep. I used to have it really bad. 4 hours of sleep a night would be epic. However, all the time awake I was never really productive with, thus it never really helped fight it. I try to keep myself busy as much as possible to save myself from my thoughts.

Re: Depression - Star - 08-12-2009

pristiq + lamictal

Re: Depression - sTr - 08-13-2009

! want some pills, but no cash to get them... and for whatever reason ! would like to get them legally...

Re: Depression - Grimlin - 08-13-2009

I don't want pills. Cheri has some for her back problem...some reason the pills they gave her are pain pills which also suppose to help with depression.It can work for either.

Re: Depression - sTr - 08-13-2009

that seems weird and strange to me....

Re: Depression - Grimlin - 08-13-2009

Indeed,we read it and it said on the package label "for treating depression,pain, and muscle". She has a gallstone & early stage of arthritis in her back.I guess those pills will slow down the effect.

I shit you not,She was kinda wary of taking them.She only has to take 1 pill a day so it's not too bad.It's only like 10mm per pill.

Re: Depression - Alyzzia - 08-13-2009

Is it like Cymbalta or something?

Re: Depression - Grimlin - 08-13-2009

Amitriptylin is what it's called.

Re: Depression - Alyzzia - 08-13-2009

Tell Midge to get ahold of me some time I miss her.

Re: Depression - Grimlin - 08-13-2009

Word,I will.Doesn't have a day off till next Friday. :(

She never gets on here anymore either.If she's home she's sleeping. LOL.

Re: Depression - XIII - 08-13-2009

Ugh... god, people that want to take pills piss me the fuck off.

I just got diagnosed with OCD, and I gotta take these pills, and I'm too chickenshit to even take them. Meanwhile, you drones drool over this shit.

Seriously, god damn you all.

Except Grim, cuz it looks like he's the same as me.

Re: Depression - Grant - 08-13-2009

DONT TAKE ZOLOFT. it makes you more depressed.

Re: Depression - XIII - 08-13-2009

Grant Wrote:DONT TAKE ZOLOFT. it makes you more depressed.
Thanks for the tip, doctor. Rolls Eyes

Zoloft works when it's needed. If some little 15 year old takes it because his dad thinks he's a faggot cuz he sits in his room with the lights out...yea it's not gonna work. If ur depressed, you should take medication.

Re: Depression - Grant - 08-13-2009

first off im 18 lol
second off i knew ppl that took it including me(weening myself off of it to btw) who didnt like zoloft cause it made them more depressed.
i never said that ppl who are depressed shouldnt take meds.
i just said that zoloft makes you more depressed.
im just telling you this on first hand experince so lay off the attitude

Re: Depression - Enigma - 08-13-2009

sometimes Jon does something innocent and i turn it into something against me and i feel depressed like all day and night. it sucks. i hate being insecure and hating myself.

Re: Depression - sTr - 08-13-2009

that's just XIII, he's the resident bad/smartass

Re: Depression - Grant - 08-13-2009

well lay off the attitude lol

Re: Depression - Star - 08-13-2009

All antidepressants have the ability to exacerbate the condition. You just have to find the right chemical combination for you. Antidepressants do not work for everybody, and several studies have suggested that they may be no more effective than placebos in some cases. Antidepressants in conjunction with therapy are always more effective than the drug alone. I've been going to school for the past four years to study this shit, and I'm going to medical school next year, so tell me I'm wrong all you want, but it doesn't hurt my feelings. Grim, if you don't want to take medicine (which is understandable, since it might now work anyway, and the side effects can suck), try spending some more time absorbing sunlight, or get one of those UV lamps. Exercise also releases endorphins, which are the body's natural feel-good drugs. You can also try eating healthier food. They're all hard things to do when you're already depressed, but they can all be pretty effective for mild depression.

Re: Depression - Grimlin - 08-13-2009

Star Wrote:Grim, if you don't want to take medicine (which is understandable, since it might now work anyway, and the side effects can suck), try spending some more time absorbing sunlight, or get one of those UV lamps. Exercise also releases endorphins, which are the body's natural feel-good drugs. You can also try eating healthier food. They're all hard things to do when you're already depressed, but they can all be pretty effective for mild depression.

Sounds like a game plan.

I know where mine is coming from.Quite obvious for me.

Re: Depression - Star - 08-13-2009

Yeah, from what I've seen, it's easier to treat situational depression that's caused by losing a job or a loved one than it is to treat chronic depression that is more likely genetically and chemically influenced. The sun thing really, really helps, even with severe depression. Exercise is harder, but maybe if you just take your kid on a walk or something it'll cheer you up a little.

Re: Depression - Grimlin - 08-13-2009

Indeed,been told by a few people i need to start talking walks.

When i go fishing certain areas i get almost 2-3 miles in just walking.

I won't be home tomorrow.Taking somebody out with fishing.Plus it's my B-day so I don't want to sit home all day.

Re: Depression - Star - 08-13-2009

Yay, happy birthday!

Re: Depression - Grant - 08-13-2009

My Social worker tells me i have to go out on walks to ease my depression you should try it. it really does work

Re: Depression - CranialEntropy - 08-13-2009

To deal with mine I originally did a lot of drinking and drugs. But blah, blah, blah, everyone knows that's not the answer.
Now I'm a pretty avid runner, stick to an overall pretty healthy diet, and go out of my way to meet new people as often as possible and connect with ones from the past. I've always suffered from some pretty extreme cases of social anxiety, but eating right and exercise led to a new boost of self confidence which helped overcome that. Still, that doesn't really change a lot mentally on the inside, but it still gives me lots of social outlets for energy to avoid exasperating myself just going over and over whats wrong with me inside my head.

Re: Depression - Alyzzia - 08-14-2009

I have totally bad panic disorder and if I don't take my zoloft I get panic attacks where I think that I am dying for no apparent reason. It sounds stupid but it is sooo horrible.