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Foreskin or no? - Printable Version

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Foreskin or no? - Paullehh - 08-12-2009

Who has had the chop chop on the cock?

-Penis still intact

Re: Foreskin or no? - dirtymonkey22 - 08-12-2009

well im a jew so take a guess

Re: Foreskin or no? - sTr - 08-12-2009

cop chop

Re: Foreskin or no? - Grimlin - 08-12-2009

Circumcision is common practice in America.

Re: Foreskin or no? - Star - 08-12-2009

wow, you guys really did get bored without us, huh.

Re: Foreskin or no? - sTr - 08-12-2009

bajajajaj, without the chicks it was getting real gay in here... more the unusual... mad dicks and asses, it was kinda fucked up, we need the balance...

Re: Foreskin or no? - Star - 08-12-2009

krystal said she'd post more once she got home.

autumn got home at like 4AM Tuesday morning, and i think she had to go back to work fairly soon after that, so she's probably just tired.

we've been home since 6 pm tuesday, and this is the first time i've done anything beyond check my email.

Re: Foreskin or no? - dirtymonkey22 - 08-12-2009

yeah we have been board and i came up with the term goatsesynthesis since the sites powerd by it

Re: Foreskin or no? - Star - 08-12-2009


Re: Foreskin or no? - CranialEntropy - 08-12-2009


Im friends with a kid who got it done junior year of highschool. His parents were poor, so in exchange for paying for the operation he had to get a B average for the semester. He got a B- average, but they let him get the snip anyway. It was a Christmas miracle.

Re: Foreskin or no? - tdot - 08-12-2009

CranialEntropy Wrote:-chopped.

Re: Foreskin or no? - Paullehh - 08-12-2009

CranialEntropy Wrote:-chopped.

Im friends with a kid who got it done junior year of highschool. His parents were poor, so in exchange for paying for the operation he had to get a B average for the semester. He got a B- average, but they let him get the snip anyway. It was a Christmas miracle.
Haha merry christmas son, just pull down your pants....

Re: Foreskin or no? - Star - 08-12-2009

i've never seen a non-circumsized penis in person, i don't want to. seems like it'd get crusty after sex /shrug

Re: Foreskin or no? - Autumn - 08-12-2009

Star Wrote:autumn got home at like 4AM Tuesday morning, and i think she had to go back to work fairly soon after that, so she's probably just tired.
I had to work today, Wednesday, and I called off. I couldn't work like this. :(

Re: Foreskin or no? - sTr - 08-13-2009

if ! wasn't clipped, !'d hide things in my junk skin...

Re: Foreskin or no? - Enigma - 08-13-2009

i've decided that i will never again be with someone that's not circumcized. it's flippin gross. sorry Paullehhhh! but ewwww!

Re: Foreskin or no? - Paullehh - 08-13-2009

lol it's ok you're brainwashed that way.

Re: Foreskin or no? - Enigma - 08-13-2009

bajaj! i know from experience. just thinking about it makes me gag.

Re: Foreskin or no? - Paullehh - 08-13-2009

It's a American thing...

Re: Foreskin or no? - sTr - 08-13-2009

it's making me gag a bit...

Re: Foreskin or no? - Paullehh - 08-13-2009

Bajajaj just lift your chin up a little and it'll smooth out.

Re: Foreskin or no? - sTr - 08-13-2009


Re: Foreskin or no? - Paullehh - 08-13-2009

Some people tell me that most American guys don't get there dicks snipped, but then others say they do.
I'm a little confused as to what is true.
Looks like the majority in this board get the snip.
During school i knew of like 1 kid who had it done and that was for some medical reason he claimed.

Re: Foreskin or no? - sTr - 08-13-2009

they all do. if they don't, they don't get laid in highschool....

Re: Foreskin or no? - Paullehh - 08-13-2009

that's fucked up.

Re: Foreskin or no? - Enigma - 08-13-2009

most parents do it for health reasons. cuz Americans are lazy and kids have gotten infections from not taking care of the foreskin properly. and cuz American women know that American girls find foreskin to be disgusting. of the men i've been with, i've only been with 2 that were uncircumsized. and they didn't keep it properly clean. luckily (for them) they didn't get infected, but it was still gross.

Re: Foreskin or no? - Paullehh - 08-13-2009

So you are saying the guys don't wash there dicks enough so they need to get the skin chopped off?
Why is this not a problem elsewhere?
I think you just slept with two mingers lol

Re: Foreskin or no? - sTr - 08-13-2009

word @ mingers, but that's how it is around here. the peeps that don't got their cock chopped are usually the dirty and poor fags...

Re: Foreskin or no? - Enigma - 08-13-2009

americans are awfully lazy.

Re: Foreskin or no? - Paullehh - 08-13-2009

Thanks, i have always been curious about the penis cutting thing and if it was the norm or mostly just the jewish.

Re: Foreskin or no? - Ms Felony - 08-13-2009

more like the faggish

Re: Foreskin or no? - Star - 08-13-2009

i don't know of anybody that isn't circumcised. it's pretty much a given that when you have a baby boy, you get it done right away, at least in america.

Re: Foreskin or no? - Grimlin - 08-13-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Some people tell me that most American guys don't get there dicks snipped, but then others say they do.
I'm a little confused as to what is true.
Looks like the majority in this board get the snip.
During school i knew of like 1 kid who had it done and that was for some medical reason he claimed.

I believe here they get circumcise,Unless the doctor is told not to.

People you are talking to are wrong,most Americans are "snipped".The older people however here might not be.I could be wrong though.

Re: Foreskin or no? - Paullehh - 08-13-2009

I found out they are actualy tricking you and America gains multi billions per year selling your foreskins to the asians.

Re: Foreskin or no? - sTr - 08-13-2009

And then they sell it back to us as cheap walmart products...

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