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what a strange time to be alive - Printable Version

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what a strange time to be alive - sTr - 08-07-2009

It's time to be serious. Look at what's going on, everywhere, it seems everyday people just seem to get sillier and sillier. Maybe it's the television, maybe it's the internet, but there is definitely something happening. When did people forget how to think for themselves? Really, it could have been that people never thought for themselves.

When you get into this kind of though you also have to think of the reverse and remember that there are people out there that are decent, and smart enough to do the "right thing". The problem is the "right thing" varies so much depending on your views. ! believe everyone should be able to do what they feel, and how they feel, it's just that people are easily influenced.

Where is this place going to be in 50 years? IMO it could be a few different scenarios.

1. It 's pretty much what it is now, plus new innovations (technology and such)

2. Different Government (Socialist, Communist, etc)

3. Splits up (almost the same as second option, but part of the country could be one country, so on and so forth)

we are in war now, trying to get out.that Clinton got those reporters back, but that by now means, means we are on good terms with North Korea. We also have loose ends in the Middle East, but !'m not so worried about that. We are in a good stand point for WW3, just depends on who are our allies, and who are the enemies. If North Korea comes off as the bad guy, we are straight. We have base in Middle East, Base in Hawaii, Base in Us and !'m pretty sure Russia and UK. We got them surrounded, fuck their bullshit nuke that can barely make it to Hawaii. What worries me is that if North Korea hates us, China, Japan possibly Cuba(which is major because it's close) and who knows who else joins against us, we may be worse off then we are now.

give me so input, ! wanna hear your views and opinions

Re: what a strange time to be alive - sTr - 08-07-2009

! didn't read all of that, nor do ! remember what ! wrote, !'m pretty trashed, can't wait to read this in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: what a strange time to be alive - Grimlin - 08-07-2009

When the WW3 comes...I just hope we are still on Israel's side.

Re: what a strange time to be alive - Paullehh - 08-07-2009

All this war shit is costing alota cash that could be spent back home, we're all in the shit.

Re: what a strange time to be alive - Ms Felony - 08-07-2009

the war at the moment is bullshit, seriously, they wanted a long war and what better way to do that through the war on terror, And the governments making even more stupid laws making innocent people into terrorists by locking everything down and bullying the populace.

government : your not going to do that.
populace : no

government : you must be terorists....

enough said.

Re: what a strange time to be alive - sTr - 08-07-2009

word, ! wish everyone would worry about themselves... like the us worry about it's poor ass citizens, as well as the uk, middle east everywhere, fuck this bs

Re: what a strange time to be alive - NEKESTRO - 08-08-2009

fuckin right. its all a shell of madness and lies and whatnot. im just waiting for some foreign troops to parachute into my section 8 HUD complex...most americans may feel safe being lead blindly into fuckshit but not i... its something i feel everyone should be ready for...and by the way, that was extremely intelligent for you being trashed...i cant prove a decent point or relay my thoughts even when im sober.

Re: what a strange time to be alive - MrFishFister - 08-09-2009

Something strange is alive in my pants thanks to this dime piece.

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