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Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - Printable Version

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Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - sTr - 07-30-2009

! found this along with Dave vs. Skeletor Part 8, !'ll post that after ! upload the images that go with it... enjoy you farks...

Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third

They sat at Arby's in the dining room eating the chicken fingers they ordered from the cashier named FxXxckOff. MistaOneEightySeven seemed pleased with his meal after devouring his chicken fingers plus snatching some from the group's while they weren't looking; claiming that they're letting their chicken fingers get cold when he was caught. It was three hours since the incident at the supermarket, and Arby's was getting ready to close at midnight. FxXxckOff had just finished wiping down his register counter and walked out to the group in the dining room. He looked at the them and rudely said, "Fuck off, we're closing now." MistaOneEightySeven stood up and towered over the puny register operator. FxXxckOff began to cry and ran into the back of the store calling out for his manager.
"Dude that fuckin' rocked!" Fred said.
"I do what's necissary," MistaOneEightySeven said as he sat back down eyeing Hell Child's one remaining piece of chicken. "THC, are you going to finish that last chicken finger?"
"It's all yours man." THC said.

They heard a noise coming from the backroom, it sounded like a thumping, then they heard someone say, "Where are they?!" The group looked at one another, knowing that it has to be FreekJoka back to kill them.
"This is going to suck." said Melissa. They nodded in agreement and stood up. They looked towards the back of the Arby's and saw FxXxckOff being beaten by FreekJoka.

"I don't know who you're talking about! Please leave me alone!" FxXxckOff pleaded.
"The group of travelers, tell me where they are! Now!" FreekJoka yelled.

"Hey asshole, we're over here!" Fred yelled. FreekJoka looked in their direction and smiled.
"Ah, there you are, let's dance!"
"Dude I can't dance for shit! Although I'm really good in a mosh pit." THC said.
"I don't think I've ever seen you in a mosh pit, man..." Enfeebled said.
"Dude, we never really hung out in high school..."
"Oh yeah."
"Can we get back to the about to fight shit? Goddamn let's do this!" FreekJoka said in a stern voice.
"Oh yeah, I forgot." THC said.
"How the hell could you forget? I'm right here! I haven't moved!"
"Well...I don't know..."
FreekJoka began to split again into two beings.
"Oh damn, DP's back..." Melissa said.
"Tiggles! Tiggles! You thought you could kill me but you can't! Tiggles! Jelly on my mom is great! Tiggles!"
FreekJoka looked at DP and said, "Alright DP, this time actually do some fighting!"
DP made an evil look on his face and said, "Tiggles..." He then reached behind himself and pulled out a giant axe! He aimed it at MistaOneEightySeven and sliced right down the middle, but MistaOneEightySeven split in half into his two shadow forms.
"Oh so you know the art of the Shadow, eh? I see you're not as advanced as me, I have multiple living shadows! Watch this!" Freek and DP began seperating into more shadow creatures.
"Fuck, we're out numbered. What the fuck are we going to do?!" THC yelled as he mentally counted six ninjas including DP and FreekJoka.
At that moment, a ninja cloaked from head to toe in white garb flipped into the dining room. He kicked one of the shadow creatures in the head, causing the creature to explode. He then punched another shadow creature in the testicles, making the shadow person cry out in pain and fall to the floor, disintergrating into smoke. The final mystery shadow creature flipped over the white ninja's back and kicked him in the air, but its leg was caught by the white ninja. The white ninja snapped the creature's leg while it was still in mid-air, causing it to crumble into dust.

All that was left was DP and FreekJoka. Freek began to panic. "Get him DP! Destroy him!" DP began charging the white ninja with his sword but the white ninja flipped over DP as DP ran into a wall, knocking him unconscience. "Fuck this! It's time for you to go down! I ain't playin'!" Freek began humming, almost as if he was meditating. Then a rip in the air formed next to him. The group watched as the rip began sucking everything in the room into itself, including the group! They grabbed chairs but they just became sucked into it also. They knew that this was not a just a rip in reality, but another portal. Fred was the first to become sucked in, followed by Melissa yelling "Baby!" Enfeebled yelled "Ah fuck this, no point in fighting it." and jumped in. MistaOneEightySeven and THC were holding on to the condements stand, but the portal was too strong and sucked them in. The white ninja jumped into the portal after the group. Suddenly it went black. A digital clock appeared almost as if it were wrapped around them. The digital numbers on it began switching incredibly fast and counting higher. The black turned to green, and they started to fall into what appeared to be a forest. They all hit the ground on their asses.
"Dammit, if I fall on my ass one more time I swear I'm gonna make someone my bitch!" THC said.
"Word, hitting the ground on your ass sucks." Enfeebled commented. The white ninja fell through the portal and landed on his feet. "Oh sure be a show off."
The white ninja stood there as we looked at him in awe. He removed his white mask, only to show that it wasn't a he, but a she! She began to speak. "I am LaRaven. I have been sent here by MidgetFuxor to help you guys out."
"Whoa, she's fucking hot!" THC said.
"You're sweet." LaRaven said.
"What the fuck happened and where are we?"
"Okay, here's what's going down. FreekJoka opened another portal, and we were all sucked in. I believe we're in Dimension 13 now." LaRaven said as FreekJoka and DP came through the portal and landed on their asses!

"Ah fuck!" Freek said.
"Tiggles, can I rub your ass to make it feel better Freek?" said DP.
"No you fucking can't you sick bastard! I knew I shouldn't have made that damn portal be so powerful, the goddamn thing sucked us in too! How the hell do we get--" Freek started just as he noticed we were standing around them. "Oh shit..."

"Motherfucker! Get us back to Dimension X-Tra Gay! And do it now!" THC yelled.
"I can't! I can only open portals to the numbered dimensions! There is no way back!" said Freek.
"You fool! We're all trapped now! What the fuck are we going to do?!"
"Well there's one way one of the numbered dimensions I remember there's a magic dragon named Noxic...he can open portals to any and all dimensions."
"Well then take us there!" Melissa said.
"I don't remember which dimension it is! We'd have to try them all!"
"Fuck off!" came a voice from behind some bushes to FreekJoka's right. The bushes started to shake and they saw FxXxckOff walked out of them! "You motherfuckers! I was fucking sucked into the fucking portal too! What the fuck!"
"Oh great, the pussy is here." Melissa commented.
THC stood there for a second and thought while everyone argued about who did what to who and why they're there. Then he got the idea that something wasn't right. Something didn't seem correct, as if there were too many people in the group now. Suddenly THC heard a chainsaw starting up, the loud roar and buzzing errupted as he looked at the group to see FreekJoka chasing after Melissa with the chainsaw. Fred was right behind Freek trying to stop him, yelling, "Dammit leave my girl alone!" Finally Freek stopped and turned around, aimed the chainsaw at Fred as Fred ran directly into the it. For what seemed like an eternity, blood, guts, and flesh flew all around. Blood splattered on our faces, clothes, and hair. Melissa stood in shock as her boyfriend Fred, the only man she truly loved, was torn to pieces by the mutilation machine. Freek let go of the trigger and removed the saw from Fred's abdomin. Fred fell to the ground, his body shook, then stopped. Melissa, knowing even with her experience as a level 18 cleric, couldn't do anything. She still stood there, then began to cry. She fell to her knees and grabbed Fred's body, knowing it would never flow with life essences ever again. In an instant he was protecting her, but now she's protecting him, by praying for him to have a safe journey to Heaven.

Melissa felt something twitch on his body, she looked down and saw his leg moving, thinking it was the nerves of his dead corpse, she began to cry harder, then the earth seemed to become alive, and swallowed his body. Melissa stood up and backed away, looking down as the ground then spit his body back out, Fred stood up, no blood anywhere on his body, and said, "What the fuck dude?"
"Baby you're alive! I love you!" Melissa yelled. She grabbed him and gave him a very large and long-lasting hug. He was safe, but how was that possible? What happened? The group stared in awe at the sight, not knowing what to think.
Enfeebled spoke. "What the fuck just happened?"
Fred answered, "I have no idea! I ran into the chainsaw, and I died, but then I was sucked into the dirt, time froze, these spirits began talking to me...and then they gave me my life back."
"Oh baby I'm so happy you're alive!" Melissa screamed. "I love you so much!"
"I love you too baby." Fred said.
"What...the...fuck?" mumbled MistaOneEightySeven.
"Dude...just never mind." Fred said as he grabbed the chainsaw from Freek. "You fucking idiot! What the fuck is wrong with you? You killed me!"
"Well, it just seemed like the right thing to do at the time." said Freek.
"Fuck off, and stay away from Melissa and me from now on!"

"Alright, we have a problem, a very large problem. We're stuck in this dimension, and we have to get back to X-Tra Gay. Freek, we should team up and get back together, let's finish our battle when we return to our correct dimension." said THC.
"Agreed. We may be mortal enemies, but we shall fight side-by-side until we return. What do we do now, though?"
"Well, where do we go from here to get to the dragon Noxic?"
"There should be a cave around here...somewhere near the town of *NSYNC."
"Dude...that's the name of a town here? *NSYNC?"
"Yeah, every dimension has a town named *NSYNC...why...what's wrong with it?"
"Nothing...never mind..."
Just then Fred and Melissa began kissing, and sucked each other's bodies out of the dimension.
"Dude what the fuck, this is getting fucking scary now!" said Enfeebled.
LaRaven explained. "They must be able to travel dimensions like Freek, but it seems they're only able to travel when they kiss."
"We should practice that sometime, LaRaven. I'd like to be able to travel dimensions too." THC said.
"Don't call me LaRaven. Call me baby." LaRaven said while blushing.
"Alright, baby!" THC yelled. "Okay, let's start searching for that town. We can't get back to X-Tra Gay without *NSYNC."
MistaOneEightySeven began to chuckle to himself. "That was quite humorous I must say."

The group began walking toward the setting sun in the new dimension. The only members left in the group were FreekJoka, DP (who actually merged back with Freek until he's needed again), MistaOneEightySeven, Enfeebled Mind, The Hell Child, and LaRaven. FxXxckOff for one reason or another exploded and was killed when the group was talking, but no one noticed. Will the group find the magical dragon named Noxic? Will they ever reach X-Tra Gay? Find out in the next ultra-cool, super action-packed episode of...PRE-TRTS!

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - juggalogigolo - 07-31-2009


Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - sTr - 07-31-2009

bajaj it's funny how this lives true even to this day, just read...

"B6 has gone to hell." - An opinion article by THC

B6...the place of more laughter and love than any other board. We're much like America's motto, only with a B6 twist.

Give us your poor, your hungry, your idiotic Juggalos that never made it on RJ.

I've been on this board for about three years now. That's a really long time. I remember a lot of things, such as the destruction of the original B6, and its many forms after that.

The original board, however, is always talked about as the best. A lot of newbies often wonder what was so great about it, but the people who were there recall it all, and think back with fond memories.

There were a lot of original B6ers back then, everyone knew everyone. In just about everyone's sig was a list of the B6ers he/she was cool with. There were also quite a few crews back then. B6 was always big on the crews. The first one I remember was the Retart Krew, which I joined right before its downfall. No one ever remembers that though.

I was a newbie no one really liked. Kelly (The Toxic Love for you newbies) said I was cool, but I just made too many polls. Which I made the most rediculous polls ever. Like Erick said, I am the originator of the pointless poll.

My fame was very small, people read my posts and I thought it was incredible if my post even got 15 replies. So I decided one night to do something that would win the hearts of B6ers. I wrote The Road To Snawz. A lot of people didn't like it because they weren't in it, others liked it even though they weren't in it, and the rest loved it because they were in it.

Finally I earned my place as a B6er. It was great, people actually talked to me on AIM. I never asked anyone how to make a sig, I did it myself. I don't remember my first sig, but I remember it was probably either gay or funny. Although I do remember I had shouts in it to the B6ers who could tolerate me. Then some time passed, and B6 began to dwindle. B6ers began leaving. It started to die. But, throughout B6's history, there had been many times when the board died. Often coming back to life when something important happened to Psychopathic Records.

Then one day I went to check out B6, and I noticed that the board was gone. No longer there. I was a little pissed off at the time, only because I didn't know what happened. Then, after a little while, B6 returned.

The board continuesly died, until one day the board really died, simply because the staff at TheSixth had changed, and so did the board address. Erick started a new board, because the original B6 was becoming gay, and we needed originality and coolness. We also needed CSC Gold. So, Erick started The Cold Place, or TCP to its posters.

No one really posted at TCP, except Josh, TJ, Erick, and myself. I don't remember anymore posters that stuck around.

By the time TCP was formed, TheSixth had created an Ikon Board I believe they're called. It was alright, not many people liked it, mainly because the character limit in the sigs were completely gay.

TCP often made attacks on B6, as B6 did on TCP. I didn't really do attacks, instead I posted at B6 as well as TCP, even though my friends were against it.

Finally The Cold Place died, and its posters were left with no choice but to join me at the new B6.

For some reason, the Ikon Board broke, and we were left without a board, once more. So, supposedly as the rumor has it, FreekJoka created the EZBoard we're at now.

Things have changed a lot since OG B6 days. For instance, now there's nothing but newbies. Especially newbies with stupid polls/topics. I know what it's like to be them. I'm glad we have Josh here, because he's been here longer than me, and he weeds out the one-post newbies.

As far as I can tell, the original B6ers who are here now that were here back then are:


If I left anyone out, I'm sorry, I didn't remember you when posting this.

Relating to the topic of this thread was my point of this story. B6 would be a great place if it wasn't for the newbies. I know what you're saying right now, you're thinking, "What the fuck? Back up a second here, are you saying B6 should be newbie-less?"

My answer to that is no. B6 should in fact have more B6ers. It would be nothing without new B6ers. To me, a "newbie" is an annoying fuck that posts once, maybe twice and then leaves the board forever. Or maybe reappeares when something happens to Psychopathic, and then leaves again.

It's tiring. Especially when I look in the posts in the Wraith forum, that's really sad. For instance:


Or even the more popular:


Don't they realize those are gay? They can only make a total of five options to vote on, obviously you can't fit all of ICP's songs on there so what's the point?

People are getting pissed off at newbies like you wouldn't believe. Josh is schooling them left and right, while DP thinks it's cool to stick up for them. The problem there is, if they can't put up with the newbie-weeding-through at first then there's really no point in staying.

Like I did, they must earn their respect.

Some of this article people might be offended by, while others think the order of events I listed in the story were misplaced or out of order.

Nothing will ever make neo-B6 like OG B6. Not even if all the OGs came back.

All I'm saying is please, please consider your posts before making them. And in the name of all that is holy, learn something in English class. Don't type like an idiot or you'll be branded as a newbie.

Thanks for reading this.


Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - Slacker - 07-31-2009

-changed the world when he started posting

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - FxXxckOff - 07-31-2009

agagagag no shit

haven't read that in years

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - CrAzYT - 07-31-2009

Good ol' TRTS and Dave vs. Skeletor ...

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - CrAzYT - 08-08-2009

Top .. where is DvS?!?!?!?!

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - Mike Willoughby - 08-08-2009

Wow, talk about resurrecting dead memories!

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - Joshy - 10-03-2009

man i think i might have all of the TRTS shit save somewhere

either in my aim logs or in a text document somewhere

EDIT: i searched my computer device and i have TRTS part 1 through part six chapter 1

and im not sharing it

also another EDIT: i bet you fuckers dont even know who enfeebled is in that story

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - sTr - 10-03-2009

joshy the gurc... ! don't believe that you have them...

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - Joshy - 10-03-2009

A Davey came down the golden path at us. Now, to understand what I am talking about you must actually see a Davey. A Davey has a plastic face with holes punched in it, sunken eyes, and braided hair. That's what a Davey looks like. So he came up to us with an axe and chopped off Ssik's head. Then he proceeded to kick BizzareNinja's ass.

if that isnt proof enough i dont know what is

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - sTr - 10-03-2009

it's a good start, !'ll believe you if you post em all...

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - Joshy - 10-03-2009

no sir not until im sober and read them myself

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - sTr - 10-03-2009

bajaj. you bastid... it better not be in 3 months when you decide to come back...

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - Joshy - 10-03-2009

it might be or it might not i dont know, im going to bed soon and i think i might be leaving all the random pages i responded to open

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - sTr - 10-03-2009

either way, may you have lots of sex in the time being... and bear no fruit...

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - CrAzYT - 10-03-2009

Still no DvS ...

bajaj @ when I deleted B6 ... I forgot I did that

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - sTr - 10-05-2009

joshy is holding out on us...

Re: Pre-TRTS Episode -2: When First Becomes Third - Joshy - 03-30-2010

No one really posted at TCP, except Josh, TJ, Erick, and myself. I don't remember anymore posters that stuck around.

I'm glad we have Josh here, because he's been here longer than me, and he weeds out the one-post newbies.

People are getting pissed off at newbies like you wouldn't believe. Josh is schooling them left and right, while DP thinks it's cool to stick up for them.

best lines btw

i think ive been drunk for 3 months and been getting vagina and no babies what was i going ot post now?