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Sony vs. Microsoft - Printable Version

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Sony vs. Microsoft - XIII - 07-29-2009

I didn't include PC, because people would just pick that because you could rig it so you can play anything (including most of Nintendo's stuff) on a PC.

Give reasons for your choice.

I choose Sony because they have better exclusives, and free online, and all my friends are on the PS Network. Also Final Fantasy XIV.

Favorite exclusives:
God of War
Killzone 2
Ratchet and Clank
Folklore (awesome fucking game)
Demon's Souls
Valkryia Chronicles

I chose Nintendo because Mario.... fuckin Mario. Mario Galaxy, Mario sidescrolling, Mario Party, Smash Bros, Mario Kart. Fucking awesome. Also Zelda, Metroid, and all the other awesome franchises.

Nintendo single handedly saved video games from obscurity.

Also, I don't really care for FPS/wargames... and that seems to be all 360 has going for it.

Re: Sony vs. Microsoft - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

I'm choosing microsoft, the PS3 is a superior machine but my reasons behind the preferance are v good and they are...
1:The games out on both systems are identical and do not bennefit from any extra gpu power on the ps3.
2: i can download games for free for the 360, would need to pay for ps3 games.

so xbox 360 gets me thousands of $$$ woth of games for free whereass the ps3 would cost me cash every time.
Can't include wii as it's not the same thing realy it is fundamentally different.
And also pretty lame.
I'm selling a wii btw!!

Re: Sony vs. Microsoft - XIII - 07-29-2009

For your point #2... download free games. Are you referring to piracy? Because that's kind of not where I wanted to take this debate. Hence not including PCs.

Re: Sony vs. Microsoft - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

yes i'm talking piracy, i can download any new game for 360 before it is even on sale in the shops..
That's a pretty big advantage and you can't pretend it dosn't exist.
If there was no piracy i would opt for the ps3.
If both had piracy i would opt for the 360 as not downloading huge blueray files for the same shit on a much smaller download would be better.
Pluse blueray burners and discs are way overpriced.

Re: Sony vs. Microsoft - XIII - 07-29-2009

I mean, if you wanna talk piracy on consoles, Dreamcast is the best system ever. With Xbox (not 360) in a close 2nd.

I meant as far as games go. Games, online community, stuff like that.

I'm not pretending piracy doesn't exist. But I have like, 20 friends with 360s... none of them pirate games. That's just something that former PC gamers tend to do. Console gamers tend to want the console experience.

Re: Sony vs. Microsoft - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

Alot of 360 users pirate the games, the ones that don't tend to not be tech savy enough to do so or they would.

I can't compare dreamcast to 360 realy, it's obvious 360 is a superior gameing platform .
Dreamcast was real good in it's day though.
I do use my 360 now and again, but would rather play on pc for obvious reasons.

Overall though i think the 360 has the biggest advantage as the platform to opt for in this poll.

Re: Sony vs. Microsoft - XIII - 07-29-2009

But if you use your 360 the way you described it, you might as well just vote for PC.

Re: Sony vs. Microsoft - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

There was no pc option..

I use the 360 for games that are not available on pc.
Especialy the EA Skate games, those are awsome!

Re: Sony vs. Microsoft - NEKESTRO - 08-09-2009

PS1 was the shit xbox is the shit too but has alot of problems, the PS2 seemed to die fairly quick too. i dont have a 360 but ive heard the stories. ultimately...NINTENDO! fuckin 8 bit paradise but SNES is raw too.

Re: Sony vs. Microsoft - Paullehh - 08-12-2009

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