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fuck yeah, let's drink - Printable Version

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fuck yeah, let's drink - sTr - 07-28-2009

who's with me.... no work tomorrow, gonna get drunk as a black man... !'ve put about 10 down since ! got home from work, anymore and the typing skills are gonna go down hill... let's FUXKIN' PARTY!!!! WOOOOO

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - Star - 07-28-2009

drinking sounds fun, i might do that soon

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - sTr - 07-28-2009

fuck yeah, get fred drunk for me....

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - Star - 07-28-2009

he isn't home from work yet, come to the gathering and get him drunk there

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - sTr - 07-28-2009

fuck all that...

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - Slacker - 07-28-2009

-on antibiotics

no drink till weekend :(

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - sTr - 07-28-2009

Fuck that, if you drink with antibiotics you'll get wasted x 2....

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Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - Paullehh - 07-28-2009

all that drink stuff about drink stopping anti biotics from working is lies.
here is some info from the horses mouth NHS
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... goryID=103</a><!-- m -->

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - TaRaNuS - 07-28-2009

Slacker Wrote:-on antibiotics

no drink till weekend :(

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - Grimlin - 07-28-2009

Paullehh Wrote:all that drink stuff about drink stopping anti biotics from working is lies.
here is some info from the horses mouth NHS
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... goryID=103</a><!-- m -->" onclick=";return false;

Did you even read that? I does say it wouldn't be recommended to drink. Rolls Eyes No where does it say it won't effect the antibiotics,it says expect a negative reaction to mixing the two together.

Mixing alcohol and pills is never safe......Unless you are looking for a quicker death sentence.

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - sTr - 07-28-2009

word, it's not that the antibiotics don't work, it's that it eats your stomach...

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - Paullehh - 07-28-2009

Grimlin Wrote:
Paullehh Wrote:all that drink stuff about drink stopping anti biotics from working is lies.
here is some info from the horses mouth NHS
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... goryID=103</a><!-- m -->" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Did you even read that? I does say it wouldn't be recommended to drink. Rolls Eyes No where does it say it won't effect the antibiotics,it says expect a negative reaction to mixing the two together.

Mixing alcohol and pills is never safe......Unless you are looking for a quicker death sentence.
Read my post, i'm reffering to the shit about drink making antibiotcs not work.
It states in the article that there will probably be no effects with most common antibiotics.
They always advice not drinking with any pills, it's bullshit though, you will be good.

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - Grimlin - 07-28-2009

I remember drinking one time with my buddies and i had a mild case of respiratory infection that started over a common cold and cough i couldn't get rid of.I was on medications that weekend and decided to drink I ended up getting worst.I don't ever remember vomiting so much after drinking in my life when i was on that medication.
Since i had to go back to the hospital.I was asked if i was drinking that weekend by the doctor and i said "yes"..he said "bad move".I was told to try and stop drinking for at least 2-3 weeks....or at least till my infection was gone.

If the bottle says "do not drink alcohol while taking this medication" Take that warning seriously.

Maybe it was just me,but i had a bad reaction to results told not to drink even longer.

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - Autumn - 07-29-2009

Stephan, do come to GOTJ. I will be drinking much then, with Star of course. :)

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - Slacker - 07-29-2009


-not gonna risk it, need this swelling in my face to go down for the weekend

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - dirtymonkey22 - 07-29-2009

i wish i had the money to drink now and stephan u should see if ajax could hook u up with a pass to the gathering

Re: fuck yeah, let's drink - sTr - 07-29-2009

<--- already has an artists pass for myself, but icp and mike clark can suck my dick, so fuck them....