Board 6
Baby Oil to da FACE! - Printable Version

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Baby Oil to da FACE! - Insanecowposse - 07-24-2009

Larry's bro was trying to wake me up by whooping my ass with a dog leash and i was reaching at stuff and throwing it and missing horribly and he was laughing and then just when he thought he was gonna get me really good i grabbed this half empty bottle of baby oil and busted him in the nose and knocked his glasses off then i chased him out the house threatening to throw a bag of dog food at him. I guess i am not a morning person.

Re: Baby Oil to da FACE! - sTr - 07-24-2009

Bajaj, sucks to be a sucker...

Larry = dirtymonkey if you guys didn't know....

Ps: call him lube face for me...

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Re: Baby Oil to da FACE! - dirtymonkey22 - 07-24-2009

hes talking about my brother hes super gay and allways asks for a ass wooping

Re: Baby Oil to da FACE! - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

the real question is why do u want to wipe your brothers asshole