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Weird ass Dreams - Printable Version

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Weird ass Dreams - Lyeranceras - 07-23-2009

I Have weird ass dream all the time.
They never make any sense
Like one time it was about a race of living bananas that ate monkeys .
So ...
My Question is What Weird Ass Dreams do Other People have?
TO all The haters FUCK OFF in advance Thank you Happy

Re: Weird ass Dreams - CranialEntropy - 07-23-2009

My question Is what's With All the random Capitalization going on Over There?

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Grimlin - 07-23-2009

CranialEntropy Wrote:My question Is what's With All the random Capitalization going on Over There?

word...I hate that shit.....

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Enigma - 07-23-2009

My main issue is the spelling. Can't even spell simple words like "other"? How is that so hard?

Re: Weird ass Dreams - sTr - 07-23-2009


* investigates *

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Lyeranceras - 07-27-2009

Sorry i Just never take the time to read over my Work i could have really Gotten better Grades in school if i did
but my spelling isin't what was Asked so please stick to the Question

Re: Weird ass Dreams - sTr - 07-27-2009

! love ass dreams, especially weird ones....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Lyeranceras - 07-27-2009

sTr Wrote:! love ass dreams, especially weird ones....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]
Then tell Us about one of your weird Dreams

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Slacker - 07-27-2009

i had a dream i didnt open this thread

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Lyeranceras - 07-27-2009

Slacker Wrote:i had a dream i didnt open this thread
I HAd A Dream Nubs Like you Din't exist that People would anwser THe Questions asked

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Slacker - 07-27-2009

LoL Im soRRY FoR NoT ANSweRING Teh QueStION!!!!

Re: Weird ass Dreams - sTr - 07-27-2009

! Used to have this re-occuring dream a
When ! Was a kid a bout a big house on the side of a mountain and it had a video phone, so ! Hope one day it comes true and ! Live in it, plus ! Always have fucked up zombie dreams...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Alyzzia - 07-27-2009

I have a reoccurring dream that I get shot and I pull the bullet out of my skin and flick it

Re: Weird ass Dreams - CranialEntropy - 07-28-2009

I got a dream (that one day) we're gonna work it out, out, out.

Common is now stuck in your head.
Eat it bitches.

Re: Weird ass Dreams - sTr - 07-28-2009

* doesn't know what song you're talking about *

Re: Weird ass Dreams - CranialEntropy - 07-28-2009

we're gonna work it out, out, out.
we're gonna work it out, out, out.

Re: Weird ass Dreams - sTr - 07-28-2009

like yank the crank?

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Slacker - 07-28-2009

word @ common

also word @ zombie dreams

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Star - 07-28-2009

i had a dream last night that adi shot me in my chest through a door, seriously. but i didn't realize it was him, until i shot him back, also in the chest, but, neither of us died. we went to the hospital but on the way, stopped at the mall and i saw these super awesome shoes that were $300 a pair and i told adi, who had now turned into a girl, that if we lived, i was going to buy all three colors, black, pink, and purple. so we lived, and i went home, which was the house i used to live in when i was little, and my whole family was there and they all had to pose in the bedroom for a family photo, and then i put on a prom dress, and was trying to decide which color of the shoes to wear. then i realized i accidentally bought two pink and a black instead of one of each color, and i started feeling guilty about how much money i'd wasted, so i dug through my purse to find the receipt, and realized that the retail value was $299, but I'd only paid $29 a pair. i drove to the prom, and had to put my purse inside of my friend's purse to make less crap to carry, but i had to put a bottle of beer that was in my purse back into the car to make the purse lighter. then i went to the prom and on the way in, you had to buy tickets for a movie, so me and the girl i was with bought tickets to some horror film named "cookie". then i started crying and told the girl i was with that i was so grateful to be alive, and i just wanted to dance with people and have a good time.

Re: Weird ass Dreams - sTr - 07-30-2009

good shit, it's rare you fine a well described post here on b6... kudos...

Re: Weird ass Dreams - dirtymonkey22 - 07-30-2009

i had a dream my dog had a human baby

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Slacker - 07-30-2009

-would never shoot you through a door

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Insanecowposse - 07-30-2009

I had a dream when i was a kid that i witnessed a witch stewing up my dead friend in a cauldron with a bunch of weird animal parts.

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Star - 07-30-2009

Slacker Wrote:-would never shoot you through a door

bajajaj, but you might turn into a girl? that could be hot ;)

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Slacker - 07-30-2009


id make a sexy chick

Re: Weird ass Dreams - sTr - 07-31-2009

oh hell yeah, hook me up with pics when you get r done...

Re: Weird ass Dreams - Lyeranceras - 08-01-2009

I Have this Dream When i Sneeze I Turn into a Super Hotti Named Akira and i go around With these Girls Neko Reirei the Lesbian Nuboku And her Girlffried Ito. So we go around and we buy Bras and junk and i get into all kinds of trouble cause if i sneeze while im hanging out with these girls i have to run off to not get caught cause im afraid of being called a perve

Re: Weird ass Dreams - freEkjokA - 08-01-2009

I haven't had a dream that I can remember for like 10+ years, wtf is that about?

Re: Weird ass Dreams - sTr - 08-02-2009

it's the booze, but if you like to booze, get real plastered and watch zombie movies all day, you should have some dreams after that, and good times...

Re: Weird ass Dreams - The Viper - 08-02-2009

I recently had a dream where I started like floating and shooting fire and lightning from my hands. I wound up like destroying so much, people included, and I didn't know why. I just remember people screaming, running, etc and I'd just point at them and they'd die. It was weird as shit.

Re: Weird ass Dreams - sTr - 08-03-2009

! heard this guy had a lot of weird dreams

[Image: 080121-mlk-vmed-6a.widec.jpg]

Re: Weird ass Dreams - CranialEntropy - 08-03-2009

"Is he pointing at me?"
[Image: 1094577232_278fd556a1_o.jpg]

Re: Weird ass Dreams - sTr - 08-03-2009

[Image: albert_m.jpg]


Re: Weird ass Dreams - Slacker - 08-03-2009

freEkjokA Wrote:I haven't had a dream that I can remember for like 10+ years, wtf is that about?

[Image: the-twilight-zone.jpg]