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Hey Dumbass! - Printable Version

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Hey Dumbass! - Insanecowposse - 07-23-2009

What is the stupidest thing you have ever done.
For me it was getting married
My mothers was carrying glass sheets on rollerskates.
My fathers was prolly me.

Re: Hey Dumbass! - Ms Felony - 07-23-2009

The stupidest thing I've ever done, Probably replying to this thread.

Re: Hey Dumbass! - Lyeranceras - 07-23-2009

Every Thing i do is dumb so i can't pick one thing

Re: Hey Dumbass! - Grimlin - 07-23-2009

I got a few....

Dating psycho ass chicks is one.They were more problems than i care to say.Probably the reason why i stayed single for so fucking long too during my teens/early 20's years.

Tried to steal from a store with ridiculous amount of security in place....That ended my stealing/thief days.I was told i was banned from their entire stores,and to never shop there again. Ahhh the young and dumb years....

Re: Hey Dumbass! - Autumn - 07-23-2009

Opening the radiator cap on my car, after I was done driving. That was terrible. :(

Re: Hey Dumbass! - sTr - 07-23-2009

putting a paperclip into an electrical socket when ! was a kid...

Re: Hey Dumbass! - Star - 07-23-2009

freaking out about losing my cell phone, when i was on my cell phone telling my dad i lost my cellphone...

Re: Hey Dumbass! - CranialEntropy - 07-23-2009


Re: Hey Dumbass! - Star - 07-23-2009

no, hence why it was so dumb

Re: Hey Dumbass! - Grimlin - 07-23-2009

agagagaga....that makes no sense........

Re: Hey Dumbass! - Autumn - 07-24-2009

Star, you're so cute! I've actually done that before, too. :\

Re: Hey Dumbass! - DamDanger - 07-24-2009

not going into details. Just hints. BOOM, hand, couch, wall, lots of WTF

Re: Hey Dumbass! - sTr - 07-24-2009

word, ! learned my lesson about punching walls, fuck that...

Re: Hey Dumbass! - canttouchthis80 - 07-24-2009

i like to punch people much funner