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Rubik's Cube vs. Tetris - Printable Version

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Rubik's Cube vs. Tetris - sTr - 07-22-2009

Puzzles collide in this epic battle, a true life digital vs hands on battle right here. Both adored by it's hardcore fans, as well as hated by the same exact people. Both with haunt your nightmares with it's dubious patterns after a hard day(or week) trying to solve them. Let's hear some stories, let's hear some opinions, which puzzle breaks the code? Leave it to the War-Zone!

[Image: 180px-Rubik%27s_cube.svg.png]

Invented in 1974, then know as "The Magic Cube" was later on licensed by Rubik to be sold by Ideal Toys in 1980. s of January 2009, 350 million cubes have sold worldwide. The rules and concept are simple enough, 6 sides, 9 colored spaces per side, and the goal is to get each of the six sides to have matching colors. Seems easy, but when the last time you picked up on of these bad boys and tried it out.

[Image: tetris_nintendo.gif]

Oh yeah baby, let the wild shapes in front of my eyes flow. 1984 Tetris was born, but it wasn't until the release of the Game Boy until the concept really took off. After that the "Tetris Effect" swept the world and has made an appearance on nearly every video game console(sorry sega). Tetris has been named Best Video Game of All-Time by almost everybody, notably IGN and EGM. But did countless nights, sitting up looking at a monochrome screen, or 8-bit graphics, or even sweet system same graphics sway you to take down the cube. Let's find out which puzzle is best suited for the War-Zone!

Re: Rubik's Cube vs. Tetris - Grimlin - 07-22-2009

Tetris....I can play for hours on that game.

Rubik cube usually lasts me about half an hour to an hour and I'm done with it.

Re: Rubik's Cube vs. Tetris - azriley2k - 07-22-2009

Tetris all the way. I devote a lot of my packing skills and moving skills to Tetris. I devote a lot of migranes to the Rubik's Cube.

Re: Rubik's Cube vs. Tetris - canttouchthis80 - 07-24-2009

the rubix cube can be broken so there for it is inferior to tetris which can never be beaten it just gets harder