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Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - Printable Version

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Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - Alyzzia - 07-22-2009

This made me laugh a little bit, especially when it comes to the melon.

I took this from Bull Pain...who will be taking on Butterbean @ the 10th annual Gathering.

"can you feel the excitement?? can you smell it in the air my family.?? it is almost time for the greatest underground music festival on the planet. i am talking about the friggin gathering!!!!!!!. where there are no rules, no regulations, and just an awesome time for all. i for one look forward to the gathering every year and to have a great time. as i entertain my fellow juggalos. but i have one thing to ask my family and hard core juggalos. if you guys want to see good matches you really need to stop throwing things in the ring at us. last year my friends, i was hit by a full can of moutain dew in the face i thought it took my eye out, then i was hit repeatedly with d cell batteries also someone threw a half of water melon at me. guys i know you want to have fun but i think this is too much. why would you really want to hurt us. we are there for your entertainment, and enjoyment and what you are really doing is very dangerous. i mean if i got hit in the head with oneof those batteries or in the eye i could have been seriously hurt. i thought we were all one big family. so why try and hurt us. plus we cant have good matches for you guys if we are always worried about what is going to hit us next. will it be funny or could someone get really hurt. i know you juggalos dont really want to hurt us. besides just like you all chant we are family, and i for one have been there a number of years and would like to think i am part of the family. so please before you throw something at us in the ring on that incredible and gloriuous night. think about it. is this going to really hurt them if i hit them with it. or is this going to mess up the match. i am not whining and being a panty waste bitch!!!! i am just asking for a little bit of cooperation from my extended family the juggalos to respect what we are trying to do for you and to have a great time, as we do our best to make this gathering the best there ever was. thanks my family and crazy juggalos. i love you alll BULL"

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - dirtymonkey22 - 07-22-2009

i can understand what hes talking about its shit like that thtat makes it hard for icp to do shows in certain places.
the 2nd gathering juggalos were destroing these frogs and shit that were alover the city

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - Alyzzia - 07-22-2009

dirtymonkey22 Wrote:i can understand what hes talking about its shit like that thtat makes it hard for icp to do shows in certain places.
the 2nd gathering juggalos were destroing these frogs and shit that were alover the city

Yeah I get it too, but it still makes me laugh.

We were in the Seagate hotel looking down on the city and we all of a sudden saw one of those huge frogs hopping because like 10 juggalos were under it making it go.

Then we went to big boy and someone had painted him up like violent j.

Some of that shit is what makes juggalos juggalos, we just need to learn that there is a time and a place for everything.

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - dirtymonkey22 - 07-22-2009

i remember the bigboy bajjaa it was funny as hell

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - sTr - 07-22-2009

word, the second gathering was one of the most fun for me, ! stayed at the radisson that was connected to the gathering convention center. we were on the same floor as all the wrestlers for the gathering, shit was tight. the room next to us has brutis beefcake and honkeytonk man, and everyone was going crazy in that hotel, party in all the halls, fuckin fun and epic....

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - Star - 07-22-2009

last year they were throwing fish and whatnot. and i can't remember if it was last year, or two years ago, someone threw a chair in the ring, and one of the wrestlers threw it back out and it hit this one girl that wasn't even doing anything, that pissed the juggalos off bad...i think it was two years ago because i remember we were sitting in the grass, last year we had chairs because we were camping.

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - Autumn - 07-22-2009

All people do retarded stuff like that, and it's not just juggalos.. that shit pisses me off, though. If I saw someone doing something stupid, I'd probably say something about it. I didn't see anything bad last year, though. So, it makes me look forward to this year.

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - Alyzzia - 07-22-2009

I love some of the stupid shit that the juggalos do when they get bored but sometimes they just go overboard. It was funny when they were throwing cups and stuff, but to pee in the cups and throw them is wrong.

I remember in Peoria when we got gassed that was not fun :(

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - sTr - 07-22-2009

yeah getting gassed was gay, ! was in line for the ICP seminar when that shit went down, so ! had to go down 2 flights of stairs and wall down a hallway in that shit... and it even hurt when they let us back in...

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - Star - 07-22-2009

wtf, you guys got gassed? for what?

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - sTr - 07-22-2009

some shit was going on on the main floor, and some girl was showing boobs, and the girls brother was pissed, and for whatever reason punched the cop, then it went down....

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - Star - 07-22-2009


Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - sTr - 07-22-2009

they did it in toledo too, but that was after the gathering ended... ! remember watching it from my hotel window....

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - Grimlin - 07-22-2009

Alyzzia Wrote:I remember in Peoria when we got gassed that was not fun :(

I can't really remember one time that the juggalos didn't have it coming when something went down.Seriously,they don't know when to shut up or control themselves.I was there when it happened.

Juggalos are known to go overboard over the stupidest shit.....Last straw for me is when me and a home boy made it out of a concert and some girl was pissed off shoulder bumped my homie,calling him names, and all he said was "whoa,bitch slow down" or "whoa,shit slow down"...can't even remember anymore.Next thing i know we were out numbered 20-2 by a bunch of fucking dudes.We seriously do not know why she was pissed or why she took it out on us.

Funny thing is,i hung out with these dudes at just about every concert or juggalo gathering in Dallas,TX.

They ain't Family,all they are is a bunch of dumb asses with the same idealism of just being disrespectful,fuck the world,low self esteem,I wanna do what i want to do and nobody going to tell me otherwise.

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - sTr - 07-22-2009

and being dirty....

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - Alyzzia - 07-22-2009

The girl was showing her titties and the cops were arresting her for indecent exposure and the crowd started chanting and then we got gassed.

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - XIII - 07-22-2009

Re: Stop Throwin' Shit Please! haha - Autumn - 07-23-2009

I, again, have had no problem with juggalos. Wait, thats a lie. Last year at the gathering, I was all drunk pounding peoples fists and saying what's up, and I did it to some fucking faggy homo on a bike and he told me to fuck off or something. I was walking screaming Fuck that kid on the bike!! lmao